#fav – @long-lost-soul on Tumblr

on & ever on, we follow the long & winding road


i love ecology and photography and lord huron

@danidoesathing !! Your santa is still sick so I'm filling in - and I'm super psyched because I really have been wanting to paint something Lonesome Dreams for ages now and haven't given myself the excuse.

I'm absolutely in love with how the music video for this song in particular is shot - the surreal mystery of the island and Huron's dedication to finding Blaquefut and returning with him is so compelling. I wound up painting a version of a shot from the video as they build their raft in preparation for finally leaving. I hope you enjoy, and merry very late Christmas!


Monte Fitz Roy is a mountain in the Patagonia Region on the border of Argentina and Chile. Captured here by a satellite at a low angle, the peak has an elevation of 11,171 feet (3,405 meters) and sheer granite faces, making it one of the planet’s most technically challenging mountains to climb.

-49.101972°, -73.034417°

Source imagery: Planet


Giant Emerald Pill Millipede (Zoosphaerium neptunus), family Anthrosphaeridae, Alaotra-Mangoro, Toamasina, Madagascar

Photograph by Julien Renoult

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