Major Components in Spells
In order for a spell to actually function, a spell needs enough of these four things: Association, Energy, Intent, and Action
Association would be the attached meanings to any materials in your spell (and these don’t have to be physical materials). Most of the time, these are inherent properties in objects that have been long established throughout time. Properties are a result of the spiritual vibrations of a material
Energy is given off by the spiritual vibrations of a material.The effects of this energy is dictated by the vibrations of the material…these effects are…related to the properties, obviously.
Intent is the will one has to hone their energies and whatever other energies are present towards a result. It also ties to the goal, as in the “what is this spell trying to accomplish?” Without intent, there’s really no use for a spell. This may seem similar to action, however, think about it. You could have everything you need to do well on a math test, but without intent (effort), how are you going to do well? You can simply put random answers or guess (cont. in Action). Action in this case isn’t about doing what might work. It’s about doing what will work. Branching off the intent analogy, you can fill in random answers or guess on questions, and get some wrong, and maybe a few right. The same goes for action in spells. Action here represents directing the energy you’ve honed into your goal in a proper and successful manner, and is highly linked to intent. The two practically go hand in hand, and can sometimes mean very similar things. And, that concludes my Ted Talk. This is just my personal opinion on spellcraft and what works for me. If anyone notices any objective misinformation, or has alternative views they’d like to share, they can feel free to leave a reply or reblog. Happy crafting!
Well done. <3