I definitely agree that Mobius was a great influence in Loki but the TVA was not. Imagine being serounded by people who are convinced you were created to hurt and kill.
He got straight back into the cycle of trying to prove himself to be worthy. I think he started to see Mobius like a father figure of some sort, that he wanted to prove himself too. Mobius returned that in a really uplifting way.
Yet this would still be damaging because of the rest of the environment. No one would easily understand that Loki is more than what they have been thought he is, a monster.
Now compare this to how he thought he was being seen in Asgard after discovering he is a frost giant. He always had prove himself to Odin and Thor but it was never enough. Part of this reason was because he was born as a frost giant. It’s very similar.
Loki needs to find his own way, in my opinion. He needs to understand that only he can define who he is. I def think the time keepers are very suspicious so I feel like Loki still has options for him to change his fate but he needs to be away from the TVA for that.
I don’t think Loki per de betrayed Mobius. He was a prisoner of the TVA after all. He just got out of a toxic environment and had to leave someone behind for that.
What I would love to see is Mobius realising that the time line does more harm than good. What is the point of a living if there is no free will? I would like him to go with Loki and maybe find put the truth. Maybe the time keepers are corrupted or don’t exist at all?
I’m very excited to see what is coming for these 2.