So glad the speeches are making it more fun…what a wonderful openning.
Not all heroes ware capes
Did they hang the flag upside down?
The countries no one knows exists:
I’ve seen eurovision countries introduction better that this…
Worst openning so far…but I spected nothing better from the french
Me searching other countries to leavee after knowing that my country gave 12 points to Israel
Wait UK reciving 0 points is a tale as old as time…but 300 to Israel????
We’ve got 11 points from the televote…the closest we’ve ever been to 12 point throw the hole contest
Germany giving points to Israel…The joke it writes itself
Fuck off Portugal
Wait, HOLD ON, Is that a french person speaking another language that it’s not french????
Joost may had done something very bad to get expelled taking acount that the standard is accepting genocide
Me after I watched Charmed. The power of three
Seems like the forgot to turn off the bottom of people’s opinion with all that booing
Me everytime they show once again another recap of all the songs