Wow. So apparently Stephen Colbert has got bigoted Star Wars fans in a lather.
First, I’d like to acknowledge that although I’ve watched all but 1 Star Wars film in the entire franchise, I’ve never been a big Star Wars fan. I don’t dislike the franchise. Like I said, I’ve seen all but 1 of the films. But I wouldn’t say that I’m a part of the fandom.
With that said, I’m just now learning of how the lovely Kelly Marie Tran (who played Rose in The Last Jedi, for those who don’t know) was harassed off of Instagram due to racism, sexism and misogyny constantly being spewed at her by bigoted Star Wars fans. And I only learned this because I like to watch Colbert’s monologue throughout the week.
Well, apparently Colbert called out the fuckery (in his own Colbert-ian way) and now there are reaction videos on YouTube lambasting Colbert for calling them sexist, racist trolls. Their argument it seems is that he’s attacking all Star Wars fans. Because, you know, if you’re a “real” SW fan, you’d be engaging in hateful rhetoric, bullying and prejudice online toward an actress of a franchise you love. If you’re not doing that, you must not be a fan.
It just trips me out how this world of geekdom/nerdom/social outcasts that the sci-fi/fantasy fandom community is supposed to represent is filled with the same level of masculine fragility, white supremacy and constant bombardment of harassment, bullying and ostracization that so many of the white males claimed to have suffered at the hands of the mainstream (read: non-geek) community for decades.
A community that insists that they’ve been bullied, hurt, rejected and threatened for being different because they were nerds, geeks or oddballs, are so quick to take up the mantle of the bully themselves when they believe their opponent is “weaker,” inferior,” or “deserving.” And all too often, we see this play out against people of color, women, and women of color. At the end of the day, these white men (and I know it’s not all white men, so you don’t need to say it) don’t want to be respected like everyone else, they want to be in the same position of power that the people who supposedly hurt them are in. They want to do to others what the mainstream has done to them. And somehow, they think it will result in themselves being seeing as the Alpha or the protagonist. Ain’t that something?!
Whether it’s Kelly Marie Tran in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Jada Pinkett in Gotham, Sonequa Martin-Green in Star Trek: Discovery, Leslie Jones in Ghostbusters, or Katie Leung in Harry Potter in the Goblet of Fire, let’s all admit that sci-fi/fantasy fans have a serious fucking problem with women of color. Especially women of color who they consider sexually undesirable.
I know the problem exists for men of color too, but the shit the trolls – and let’s be honest – and actual fans throw at women of color in the nerd/geek world is essentially the same hateful tactics men (especially white men) have thrown at women of color in the mainstream world for centuries. And as women of color, we often feel like our concerns go unanswered or our pain unnoticed.
So I’m glad that people are turning out for Kelly Marie Tran the same way they turned out for Leslie Jones. I’m happy to see here on Tumblr that they are some SW fans who are calling out this fuckery and shunning those hateful bigots, giving them no where to seek refuge for their online Klan meetings.
Because you’re right. These people are scum. Just like the haters of Star Trek: Discovery because it didn’t put a white male front and center. Just like the haters of Leslie Jones for just daring to exist. Just like the haters of Cho Chang because she kissed Harry Potter like it said to do in the script – and the book! (Seriously, I heard some white fans harassed Katie Leung in real life and sent her death threats. This was before the days of Twitter and Instagram.)
So please continue to show the world that us sci-fi/fantasy fans are not all bigots, hate-mongers and assholes. I know there are a lot of them (::cough:: comic book fans, you too. ::cough::), but just as we need to show the world that America isn’t the Tiki Torch Whites at Charlottesville, Va., we need to show the world that these trolls, bigots and haters are not who we are.