sure, not all men, but a lot of men, and we have no way of knowing which ones
“sure, not all black people, but a lot of black people, and we have no way of knowing which ones.”
This is exactly how you sound.
“sure, not all muslims, but a lot of muslims, and we have no way of knowing which ones.”
lettuce consult the fbi data:
Of the 1,864 women murdered in 2010, 91% were killed by men. (by contrast, of the 3,872 men murdered, only 9% were killed by women). Of all the women murdered (by either sex), over a third were killed by a husband or boyfriend. women have legitimate reason to fear men, even the ones they know.
Of the 3,327 white people murdered in 2010, only 13% were killed by black people. 3% were killed by other or unknown races. white people do not have a statistically legitimate reason to fear other races.
women’s fear of men is based in reality, not bigotry. white people’s fear of other races is based in bigotry, not reality.
This deserves much more than 294 notes