Happy One-Day-Late-Two-Year Anniversary ‘I Remember You’!
Dang, has it really been two years and one day already?
And, for a brief moment I got over my art block!
Truthfully, “I Remember You” is more to me than just a gateway episode to the greatest fandom I’ve ever been a part of, though that is a big part of it!
IRY came out during a very difficult time for my family, my grandfather has Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and during that autumn he had begun to decline very quickly. While I personally wouldn’t say the crown’s curse as a direct parallel to A/D, having a show I hold very close to me basically play and sing out all the things I was feeling meant so much to me. It was nice to see that other people could understand the situation, or even be going through something similar with their own friends and family.
It helped get me to keep going through a rough time, and my love of the character Simon Petrikov helped introduce me to some of the coolest people I have ever met.
Pun intended. Pun intended so hard.