@transasahi submitted: could you ID some friends i found on a trip to south florida (USA)?
the lil guy really liked crawling all over my dress and moving too fast for me to get good pictures. he spooked me a lil bc it looked like he had something stuck to him and i wasnt sure what it was.
the orange grasshopper fellow i met on an early morning run and was very chill as long as i didnt put my phone too close to his face
the last one was a failed attempt to snag a pick of a very cool spider lol my camera couldnt focus on it, but it was very pretty and there were about 5 similar looking spiders spread out all over this plant! no ID needed since you cant see it for shit lol
love your blog! reading your posts makes me feel like a kid reading crazy bug fact books <3 captivated by the beauty and weirdness of nature. thanks for all you do!
Thank you for your kind words! I certainly can ID them. The first fella is a debris-carrying lacewing larva, so the stuff stuck to it was on purpose for camouflage. The grasshopper is an eastern lubber. From what I can see of the very blurry spider, I'd put my money on it being one of the orbweavers in the genus Argiope.