Title: Nocturne in Grey and Gold: Chelsea Snow Artist: James McNeill Whistler (American [active in England], 1834-1903) Date: 1876 Genre: cityscape Movement: Tonalism Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 47.2 cm (18.5 in) high x 62.5 cm (24.6 in) wide Location: Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA
Title: Winter Morning Artist: Leonard Ochtman (Dutch-American, 1854-1934) Date: 1911 Genre: landscape painting Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 92.4 cm (36.4 in) high x 132.4 cm (52.1 in) wide Location: Dallas Museum of Art
Title: Corner of the House and Bullfinches on the Tree. Winter Artist: Olga Rozanova (Russian, 1886-1918) Date: 1907 Genre: landscape painting Medium: oil on paper Dimensions: 63 cm (24.8 in) high x 51 cm (20 in) wide Location: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Winter Evening, Quebec, Maurice Cullen, ca. 1905
Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto, Takashi Ito (1894-1983)
Snow at the Shrine Entrance, Hakone Gongen, Hasui Kawase, 1957
Danish Winter Landscape with Dolmen, Johan Christian Dahl, 1838
Winter Night, Adolf Kosárek, 1857
To those in the Northern Hemisphere, happy Winter Solstice.
Moonlit Night in Winter Outside Amsterdam, Elias van Bommel, 1883
Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind, John Everett Millais, 1892
Rooftops in the Snow (Snow Effect), Gustave Caillebotte, 1878
Eagle in Flight Against a Snowy Sky, Ohara Koson, ca. 1933