I've been reading the Complete Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and as wonderful as he was, he had an excessive fondness for a certain punctuation mark. So, me being me, I decided to have a little fun with it. Enjoy.
O exclamation point! Most overused Throughout English Romantic poesy! I marvel at the way thou art abused In every ode and sonnet that I see!
O fair and noble punctuation mark! O ender of each sentence and each clause! When I encounter thee, a voice cries "Hark!", And I compel my reading eyes to pause,
Awaiting some dramatic turn of phrase To drive the shades of boredom all away: Lo! Here it comes! I startle with amaze! And yet, to thee I raise my voice and pray:
O herald of an overheated style, Could we get a question mark once in a while?