Title: Storm in the Sea Artist: Pieter Mulier, nicknamed Cavalier Pietro Tempesta (Dutch [active in Italy], 1637-1701) Date: 1690 Genre: seascape; marine art Period: Dutch Golden Age Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 101 cm (39.7 in) high x 147 cm (57.8 in) wide Location: Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Title: Sailboats on Calm Seas Artist: Granville Redmond (American, 1871-1935) Date: 1906 Genre: marine art; seascape Movement: Tonalism; California Impressionism Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 38.1 cm (15 in) high x 49.5 cm (19.5 in) wide Location: private collection
The English Merchant Ship Malabar, William Clark, 1836
Harbored Boats on a Stormy Day, Anna Althea Hills, 1910
Sailboat and Fourth of July Fireworks, Winslow Homer, 1880
Shipwreck, the Sun Breaking Through the Clouds After the Storm, William Joy, 1859
Marine Scene (Boats near Venice), Henri-Edmond Cross, 1903
Fishing Cutters in the Moonlit Night, Carl Locher, 1888
Sea View of Cape Poge Lighthouse, Charles Hubbard, 1840s
Naval Battle between the Spanish and Turks, Cornelis de Wael (1592-1667)
Morning off Boston Light, Clement Drew, 1879
Capriccio of the Grand Harbor, Valletta, Malta, Abraham Storck, 1673