Title: St. Joan of Arc Artist: William Blake Richmond (English, 1842-1921) Date: unknown Genre: religious art Movement: Arts and Crafts Movement Medium: pencil and pastel on buff paper Dimensions: 71.3 cm (28 in) high x 56 cm (22 in) wide Location: private collection
St. John the Evangelist, Pompeo Batoni, between 1740 and 1743
Philosopher with a Mirror (Socrates?), workshop of Jusepe de Ribera, early 1620s
Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness, José Leonardo, ca. 1635
Man of Sorrows, Sandro Botticelli, ca. 1500
St. Sebastian and a Bishop Saint, Master of the Virgo inter Virgines (active at Delft ca. 1480-1495)
St. Bartholomew, Simone Martini, ca. 1317-19
Heraclitus, the Weeping Philosopher, unknown artist (Spanish School), ca. 1630
Venus and Minerva, Pellegrino Tibaldi or circle, between ca. 1590 and 1620
Narcissus, variously attributed to Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio or a follower (Gian Giacomo Caprotti?), ca. 1490
St. Andrew (Design for a Stained-Glass Window), Hans Holbein the Younger, ca. 1519-21
Hercules, Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri), ca. 1641-42
St. Matthew the Evangelist (from The Four Evangelists), Frans Hals, ca. 1625