Title: Children by the Christmas Tree Artist: Leopold Graf von Kalckreuth (German, 1855-1928) Date: first quarter of 20th century Genre: genre art Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 41.5 cm (16.3 in) high x 49 cm (19.2 in) wide Location: National Museum in Warsaw, Poland
Title: Boy with a Crow
Artist: Akseli Gallen-Kallela (Finnish, 1865-1931)
Date: 1884
Genre: portraiture
Movement: Realism
Medium: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 86 cm (33.9 in) high x 72 cm (28.3 in) wide
Location: Ateneum, Helsinki, Finland
Title: School Children in a Storm Artist: André-Henri Dargelas (French, 1828-1906) Date: unknown Genre: genre art Medium: graphite on cream-laid paper Location: Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD
Listening to the Sea, Karl Gussow, 1879
Study of a Black Boy, William Etty, between 1827 and 1838
The Calling of Samuel, Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792)
After School, Hugo Kauffmann (1844-1915)
Pleasant Burden (aka Not Too Much to Carry), William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1895
A Girl Standing in the Wind, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, 1893
The New Puppy, Charles Sillem Lidderdale (1831-1895)
Happy National Puppy Day!
Shepherd Boy from Paanajärvi, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, 1917
Miss Beatrice Townsend, John Singer Sargent, 1882
Ancient Egyptian mummy portrait (encaustic on wood) of a boy identified by an inscription as Eutyches. Artist unknown; 2nd cent. CE (Roman period). Now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.