Ceremonial wool cape of the Chilkat clan of the Tlingit people, northwest coast of North America, 1850-1900. Now in the Textile Museum, George Washington University.
Raven rattle of the Tlingit people, from Fort Wrangell, Alaska. Artist unknown; late 19th century. Now in the Bowers Museum, Santa Ana, CA. Photo credit: Barry Gernstein/Wikimedia Commons.
Basket with rattle cover of the Tlingit people, British Columbia or southern Alaska. Artist unknown; late 19th/early 20th century. Now in the Honolulu Museum of Art.
Chilkat robe (dyed goat wool) of the Tlingit people of the Pacific Northwest. Now in the Alaska State Museum, Juneau.
Carved ivory amulet of the Tlingit people of the Pacific Northwest. Artist unknown; ca. 1820-50. Now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.