Title: Night Angel Holding a Waning Moon Artist: William Morris (English, 1834-1896) Date: between 1857 and 1869 Genre: religious art Period: Victorian Movement: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood; Arts and Crafts Movement Medium: watercolor, ink, graphite, and collage on mold-made paper Dimensions: 34 cm (13.4 in) high x 8.6 cm (3.4 in) wide Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX
Boat Building by Robinson Crusoe and Friday, Thomas Sully, ca. 1856
Washerwomen, Paul Sérusier, between 1886 and 1897
Rain in the Seido Hall and Shohei Bridge over the Kanda River, Hiroshige, 1857
Scouts Climbing a Mountain, Frederic Remington, 1889
Dressing Table and Mirror, Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947)
The Blanket Signal, Frederic Remington, between 1894 and 1898
Girl in Blue Arranging Flowers, Frederick Carl Frieseke, 1915
Madame Cézanne in Blue, Paul Cézanne, 1890
The Great Oaks of Old Bas-Bréau, Théodore Rousseau, 1864
Apple Tree with Red Fruit, Paul Ranson, 1902
The Mier Expedition: The Drawing of the Black Bean, Frederic Remington, 1896
The Incredulity of St. Thomas, François-Joseph Navez, 1823