Title: Saint Thomas Aquinas, Protector of the University of Cuzco Artist: unknown Peruvian artist Date: ca. 1690-95 Genre: religious art Period: Baroque Movement: Cuzco School Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 161 cm (63.3 in) high x 117 cm (46 in) wide Location: Lima Art Museum, Lima, Peru
Trifacial Trinity, anonymous artist (Cusco School), between ca. 1750 and ca. 1770
Saint Joseph and the Christ Child, unknown artist (Cusco School), late 17th or early 18th century
Adoration of the Magi, anonymous artist of the Cusco School, ca. 1690-1720
The Marriage of the Virgin, anonymous artist of the Cusco School, ca. 1680-1700
Archangel Eliel with Harqebus, anonymous artist of the Cuzco School, ca. 1690-1720
Saint Rose of Lima with the Child Jesus, anonymous Peruvian artist of the Cuzco School, ca. 1680-1700