Title: Children by the Christmas Tree Artist: Leopold Graf von Kalckreuth (German, 1855-1928) Date: first quarter of 20th century Genre: genre art Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 41.5 cm (16.3 in) high x 49 cm (19.2 in) wide Location: National Museum in Warsaw, Poland
Title: To the Advent Dawn Mass (Sketch) Artist: Wojciech Piechowski (Polish, 1849-1911) Genre: genre art; religious art Date: unknown Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 26.2 cm (10.3 in) high x 37.5 cm (14.7 in) wide Location: National Museum in Warsaw
The Star of Bethlehem, Edward Burne-Jones, between 1885 and 1890
The Visitation of the Virgin to St. Elizabeth, "Master of 1518" (Goosen van der Weyden?) or studio, ca. 1515
The Visitation, Master of the Litoměřice Altarpiece, ca. 1505
The Annunciation, Juan de Flandes (1450-1519)
View of Bethlehem by Night, Josef Langl (1843-1916)
On the Virgin and Child
Anthologia Palatina I.122 = Michael Chartophylax (10th century)
This woman gave birth, yet remains a maiden: And do not be astounded at this: for the Child Is God, who wished to take on humble flesh. αὕτη τεκοῦσα παρθένος πάλιν μένει: καὶ μὴ θροηθῇς: ἔστι γὰρ τὸ παιδίον θεός, θελήσας προσλαβέσθαι σαρκίον.
Virgin and Child, Domenico Corvi (1721-1803)
Arrival of the Holy Family in Bethlehem, Cornelis Massijs, 1543
Betrothal of Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, Sebestyén Stettner, 1743
The Annunciation, Jan van Eyck, ca. 1434-36
Last log-sparks impinge on the grate. Great Bear’s breath rattles the window. Stew steams with a dozen spices. Hoarfrost-thoughts droop head to chest. Furred things, feathered things, six-legs slumber. Root touches root in the dark earth. Fallen world tucks in its shroud of prophecies in weft and warp: out of eons flush with dying
a blissful and a dreadful Coming
Winter, the Christmas Tree (set design for Sun and Earth), Anton Brioschi, 1894 (photo credit: Archivio Storico Ricordi)
Mary and Joseph register as part of the Census of Quirinius. Mosaic in the Church of the Holy Savior, Chora, Istanbul, name-work of the Master of the Church of the Holy Savior; ca. 1315-1320.
Medieval fresco from the Martinskapelle in Bregenz, Austria, depicting St. Joseph's first dream (Matthew 1:20-21). An angel announces to him "Joseph, fili David, noli timere accipere Mariam conjugem tuam" (Joseph, son of David, do not fear to accept Mary as your wife). Artist unknown; ca. 1360. Photo credit: Andreas Praefcke.
The Visitation, Gerónimo Antonio de Ezquerra, ca. 1737