true. if i hear about historically ukrainian kuban one more time i'm blowing someone up
My mother's first home was a refugee camp. Her mother was sold on a Nazi slave market.
I have dead relatives on Ukrainian battlefields. We can't get them back because russia has colonised the regions.
One relative was taken hostage by the bastard russians and tortured for 2.5 years.
The word "slave" actually means "Slavic person". The word "genocide" was invented in Lviv.
An Amnesty International guy chased my mother through a shopping mall, yelling at her that she was a "stupid white woman who wouldn't know what a refugee is".
Ukrainians aren't allowed to talk about the racism we get every single fucking day because we're "too white".
I will add to this that when I gave a presentation at university about the Holodomor, some Anglo guy stood up, interrupted me, and said Ukrainians deserved it because we're "Nazis".
Adding more, because the russian missile and drone attacks hitting Ukraine right now pretty much broke me.
This was what russians did to one of my family churches in Australia nearly eleven years ago. The racism never ends.
I think people in the west need to face the fact that racism and xenophobia look different in different regions.
Not every country is the USA, and has the same history with colorism and anti-black sentiments based on slavery. Not every empire colonised and occupied regions populated by dark-skinned people.
And now, in the world, there are more meaningful ethnic and national identities than "white" and "black". And many groups are oppressed because of them.
Just because black/white racism is the dominant form of systematic oppression in the USA does not mean that’s universally true. One could guess this fact from the way the USA isn’t the centre of the universe.
Message to all alleged “anti-war tankies”
If you were truly anti-war, at worst you’d at least try to pretend to be neutral, and not support either side. At best, you would not be on the side of Russia, the aggressor that, unprovoked, invaded a smaller sovereign nation that was peacefully minding its own business, was not in NATO, and wasn’t even applying for NATO membership. NATO was not the cause of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
As always, I remind people that Russia is committing war crimes in Ukraine, including but not limited to: erasing all mentions of Ukraine from schoolbooks, murdering entire civilian populations of Ukrainian cities, and kidnapping thousands and thousands of Ukrainian children (some as young as 4 months old) and placing them into “re-education” centers where they are forced to learn how to become good little Russians. Russia is indiscriminately bombing civilian targets like funerals, churches, schools and hospitals, and the Russian army is using mass rape as a weapon of war.
(Remember, Ukraine has demonstrated that they have the capability to reach Russian held territory, but unlike Russia, the Ukrainian military has only targeted military installations.)
If you can just hand wave all of the Russian war crimes and atrocities away because “America bad,” then please spare everyone your anti-war concern trolling, and your faux worries about Ukrainians dying. Just admit that as long as, lol, “communist” Russia isn’t the one being invaded, you are morally indifferent to human suffering and you actually do not care about ending wars.
Russia can end the war instantly just by going home.
HEy! you know that tumblr post of "Brutus! Put the dress on! You're going undercover!" That's Brutus. And That is the dress.
Reblogging for Brutus getting to wear the dress and his friends being happy for him
aq qaya, occupied crimea, ukraine
Do people really think Musk can stop the war in Ukraine? If so, how? And especially, why? Idk maybe I am biased against him but I just had a conversation with an Ukrainian actress who is convinced of that and I am perplexed.
I haven't seen or heard anyone ever mention that. The closest thing I've seen is that he could give Ukraine more freedom to use Starlink for military purposes and/or take steps to ensure that Russia doesn't use Starlink if they manage to obtain it, but that obviously wouldn't be enough to stop the war. My guess is that the person you talked to overestimates Musk's influence on Trump and, in turn, Trump's influence on Putin.
@lilietsblog, may I ask for your input as a Ukrainian? Do people really put that much faith in him?
I have absolutely never heard anyone express that idea. Admittedly it's been a while since I've followed any Discourse around here :\
—Anna Mariya Basauri Ziuzina, an instructor at the University of Alabama
I will never get over how weird it feels to have tragic and emotional chapters of your life where you just also still go to work, and the grocery store, and see funny videos online all while feeling such paralyzing fear and heartache
life just goes on no matter what
it’s always wild when people look at eastern europeans and other people who lived under communism or are descended from those did
see that most of these people have a lot to say about the human rights abuses and authoritarianism they and their families survived during communism, the repercussions of which they’re still dealing with today
and then reduce their lived experiences to “oh they’re just a capitalist” (whether that’s true or not) “only right wingers hate communism” (DEFINITELY not true lol) “this is united states propaganda” (buddy, u.s. propaganda is not the only state run propaganda project to ever exist! please stop making everything about the united states!!)
Today Ukraine celebrates Day of Dignity and Freedom.
21st November 2004 - Orange Revolution started.
21st November 2013 - Revolution of Dignity (Euromaidan) started.
On this day today, during russian full scale invasion, we're all sure, more that ever, that all of it has been worth it and the fight for free, democratic Ukraine that continues now, is the most important thing we'll ever do in our lives.
They weren't able to take away our dignity and now they won't be able to take away our freedom. Everything will be Ukraine.
Слава Україні!
Also a friendly reminder that Netflix has very decent documentary on Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity, so you might want to check it out. They even released it for free on youtube, so nothing should stop you now
10 years 🚬🚬🚬🚬
11 years 🚬🚬🚬🚬
Today, Ukraine became the first. The first country in the world against which an intercontinental ballistic missile was used.
let's goooo незламний народе first in everything amirite -----------------------------------
no one cares
I don't care what you say. This is the harsh truth. No one gives a fuck if our nation lives or dies.
To use intercontinental missile to strike Dnipro. That's gotta be the most ridiculously expensive temper tantrum ever.
The way this missile works is that it separates in six missiles in the air, and from some information sources, those six parts separate in six more. To kill as many people as possible with one attack. Pure evil. And to disarm it you would need a specific defense system, able to shoot down the supersonic missile before it separates in the air.
Everyday russia kills more and more or my people. Everyone allows them to do it and to keep on growing weaponry and strength to kill us and to use against you in the future. I'm no naive person anymore, I know those in power would knowingly kill or let get killed anyone below them, but I want to remind you, that if you have something to believe in, or have something to fight against, even the smallest donation counts. Don't get discouraged and please fight together with us against this murderous terroristic state named russia.
For those with covid conspiracies, they said Ukraine had secret biolabs. To those obsessed with Trump, they made a whole Hunter Biden extended universe. To those who are anti-nazi, Ukraine is full of Nazis. To those who are Nazis, Ukraine is full of Jews. To those who are anti-LGBT, Ukraine is depraved rainbow orgies and secret sex tunnels. To those who are pro-LGBT, Ukraine is full of homophobia and hate crimes. To those who are pro-NATO, Ukraine is too hopelessly corrupt and backward, to those who are anti-NATO, its ranks are filled with NATO mercenaries, gender-neutral toilets and furry conventions.
Hence the logical conclusion, if all of this is true, is that Ukraine is a hellscape of genetically-modified, CIA-armed, Satanic Nazi transgender Jewish furries slithering forth from sex tunnel biolabs to serve Emperor Biden.
For the Westerners & other people who don't/can't follow russian news and the russian speaking online space:
This is not satire! They do talk like this. They spread this kind of stuff as 'information'.
The only satirical part here is to put it all together in one sentence, but if you split it up into its components, you'll find each of these, broadly pushed and not just one single mention on someone's obscure blog or something, as russian propaganda. It's mind boggling really how that actually works on people but it does!
Ukrainians, do you remember the genetically engineered mosquitoes, that transmit deadly diseases, but only sting people with russian blood (and they do passport and ideology checks too I guess)? Let's look at it this way: According to Russia we're pretty much geniuses, with all the secret weapons and other technologies we've developed by now, in less than two years even, that lie beyond the world's collective scientific knowledge and capabilities. And we're having orgies whenever we're not currently working or plotting. And at least half of us are world class, armed to the teeth secrets agents or something. I'm starting to believe they're actually thinking very highly of us and are really just envious! Haha.
And also, according to russian propaganda, in addition to everything above, Ukrainians don't actually exist, but are just russians fooled to Western propaganda to think they are a separate nation, and russia is determined to keep killing us until whoever remains accepts it.
Yes it is absurd, yes it is contradictory, but you can see how effective it is...
Propaganda doesn’t need to make sense or even be self consistent. It just needs to be dominant.
Those screenshots are from Timothy Snyder’s class on Ukrainian history, which is very much worth watching:
In Russian propaganda, Ukraine is Schrödinger's Country. It is all things at once, however contradictory.
If you want to understand how we got here, this is a great place to start. I was gifted this education by Diana Savita Wagner (nee Snake, nee ykp-chk, nee keptmathilda) within days of the start of the war. Her recommendation was enough to encourage me to 'attend' the entire class. It was worth every second of my time.
You might find it so too.
For volunteer medic Diana who said herself before her murder: “when my death occurs, Russian propaganda will say I died at the hands of Ukrainians. That is not true. I was killed by Russia’s putin. Make sure everyone knows this.”
this was a great read. “Laziness Does Not Exist” by Devon Price
of course, then there's the other phenomenon regarding students specifically, which I know about from my dad. He taught for a decade or so in an "Academy of Municipal Property" (or economics, or however you choose to translate that specific word from Russian/Ukrainian. It covers stuff like the electric grid, which is what my dad was teaching specifically, and I'm sure you can extrapolate from there. Maybe "ecosystem" is the best metaphor). Location: Kharkiv, Ukraine.
The thing about this institution is that it was a dingy little institute in soviet times, and rebranded itself as an academy because upon the dissolution of soviet union it didn't qualify as a university by the actual criteria that we have for that, and academy sounds cooler than institute. And Kharkiv is a university city, like in peacetime students reach... I think 20% of population? (And Kharkiv is a very large city, with pre-war 1,5 mln population, so you know that's a lot. We get students from all over Ukraine, and foreign students too, mostly from African countries).
What I mean is, for people who want to get an actual education, knowledge of topics and such, this Urban Academy will not be their first, fifth or tenth choice. However, it did find itself a place in the ecosystem: there are rules in Ukraine for state-owned organizations/utilities that for certain positions you need a bachelor's or a master's in a relevant specialty, meaning there's a demographic of people who worked in their chosen specialty for their entire life, but need a diploma to actually get promoted now.
Another thing you need to understand about Ukrainian higher education is that it's not choice based. Over your four or five years of undergrad you're going to have, like, three courses where you can choose one of several related subjects - like one of the branches of philosophy or psychology for a software engineer's diploma. Universities (and academies and such) offer a selection of very granulated programs that you get specifically accepted into, and then you get a schedule of what classes you go to at what time in which room (with just your smaller group, your entire specialty, or several specialties together for some lectures).
The result of all of the above together is a population of new adult to middle aged students who are absolutely not here to learn, just to get the paper that says they did. They or their employer unofficially pay the staff for just ushering them through, and people with actual educational integrity like my dad, who want them to at least be present for the exam and submit a paper at least that someone else wrote for them, for a solid honest 3 out of 5 (2 is a failure) and who don't take bribes... yeah, it's not a fun environment.
(There are always a few pathological perfectionists or people who actually do want to learn if they're already signed up for it, keeping classes actually existent, but we're talking an attendance of 3 people in a group of 30, here)
And of course I don't think this has anything to do with laziness either. Those are adults with jobs. They simply do not respect the institution, and considering my dad has complained about someone on staff scamming his students by accepting money for HIS grades... well it's hard to say they're wrong about it, isn't it.
Basically, another thing that can be misread as laziness is fundamental disrespect for the activity. And that's a very different phenomenon, too.
thinking about the world tourism and what it means in soviet (+ post-soviet) context vs the rest of the world
so the soviet union for all it pretended to be a federation - a union, you might say - was absolutely russian empire 2.0, now with bonus totalitarianism.
and being russian empire means that there are exactly 2 (two) modern cities with architecture and culture and history worth visiting: moscow and st. petersburg. and while of course there might be some silly provincials visiting them and gawking (in moscow usually while on a business trip or study trip or something, as moscow is the center of everything as is well known), the only people that MATTER, that get in any way catered or appealed to, culturally or politically, already live in moscow and have been to st petersburg for one reason or another. (they say some people also live in st petersburg but that's mostly mythical cultural icons or something)
what does this leave for tourism?
well, russia might only have two human settlements, one real and one a mythical legend (it's true, just ask any moscowite who has ever posted an address online), but it has a lot of Majestic, Untamed Nature for humanity to conquer!
(what do you mean people already live there? well maybe they do but they haven't conquered it have they. the mountain still stands, so they are basically part of the majestic landscape)
(and of course the rest of the world outside the majestic russia (im sorry i mean the soviet union wink wink) is scary evil bourgoisie, and to even go on a business trip outside the country you must pass stringent background & ideological checks, for yourself and your entire family and friend circle. obviously)
so, the "tour" part of "tourism" does not refer to the tour guide who shows you the local landmarks and gives you a historical lecture, it refers to the thrifty local who offers to show you that path through the woods so you don't get lost. or it refers to nothing at all, and tourists just barge through everything based on maps and some compasses. or go down rivers, which is marginally more reliable. they're not the foreign-language-speaking elderly folk with cameras who stay in the nearest hotel in the big city, they're the band of filthy, tired, cheerful backpackers with whining exhausted children who raid your village grocery store, empty it of pasta, salami, tomato juice and ice cream, ask you for directions to the nearest well or water pump, then for the next landmark they're looking for (which might be right there at the end of the village or over on the next mountain because they took the wrong turn), then collectively tromp off.
theres a song about this, specific to people who do this on weekends in the nearest forest (also apparently dedicated to the time when there was only one (1) weekend) (it's about the bitter rivalry of people who do this with people who farm on their dachas in the same one weekend in the same rural area, competing for space on public transportation and local forage, including sometimes the goddamn fields / kitchen gardens being treated as forage by the damn university kids with no money and no shame)
i was one of those (the mountains kind, not the nearest forest kind) once a year throughout my childhood and adolescence, ever since I was old enough by my parents' reckoning to put a backpack on me and make me walk all day every day for a week, which was when I was five. i absolutely couldnt walk all day and bitched and moaned non stop (unfortunately in a way that made my parents think i was just being whiny and not that my feet are fucked up and i am having aches that a healthy child absolutely should not be having), but nonetheless i loved it with my whole heart immediately and next year there was a whole thing with my parents blackmailing me into doing damn near anything they asked just so they'd take me with them again. (years later, as an adult, i found out that that was the year when i suddenly started peeing my pants randomly and that my mom took me to a clinic and had it politely explained to her that it's out of stress and that she should give up on the battle to make me eat things i feel nauseous even thinking about. so that's how that happened i guess)
i... have been a tourist in the other, civilized sense like four or five times in my life. (three school-organized class trips to neighbouring countries, one study course in England where we spent most of our time on the tour bus getting immersed in the language, and maybe something else i'm forgetting)
but it's not what the word means to me and it never will
(relaxing near a body of water is not tourism. it's when your workplace gives you papers for their sanatorium so you go there for your mandatory paid time off and Rest, for your health. The Resters are not the same as The Tourists at all, as they have 0 interest in local landmarks or going anywhere beyond the nearest two blocks or the distance from the sanatorium building to the shore, they're more or less locals in the first place and go the same place every year since that's where their workplace sends them. it's specifically a different word)
(if you're keeping count, this makes 3 culturally defined ways to spend your vacation or weekend somewhere that's not your home in front of the tv: The Dacha (partial sustenance farming, leaves you more physically tired but arguably healthier, and definitely richer by all the vegetables and fruit you can grow there), The Rest (veg out at some nearby body of water, swim if you're into it, just lie there with a book cosplaying a dead fish if you aren't) and The Tourism (walk paths heretofore untrodden except by all the other tourists, don't make fires outside of places marked on your map that have remnants of previous fires already visible, play guitar badly and sing very loud in the evenings))
(visiting other human settlements (don't tell the moscowites but they do exist) and staying at hotels happens too but it's not vacation, it's Work Trips, and they can be very much competed for in local office politics even in the 99% of cases when they aren't to beyond the iron curtain)
P.S. I just want to make it clear that when I use the words "tourist" and "tourism" for this it's not a case of arbitrary translation confusing two concepts. the words in Russian and Ukrainian are "turist" and "turizm" which you can recognize as excessively literal transliterations of words that were themselves literal transliterations of "tourist" and "tourism". That is literally the words we use for this.
P.P.S. the fall of the soviet union has opened other possibilities but id say the words still mostly mean the same thing. its just that The Rest in the sense of going to a body of water has been expanded to possibly be in Egypt or France or something, and to possibly include some landmark walking (controversial within families)
P.P.S. Ukraine has never been as centralized as russia and other cities than Kyiv exist. However it is significantly smaller so it's actually realistic to have friends / relatives / business in all the major cities you want an excuse to visit, plus it has enough nature to maintain the idea of tourism as mostly a nature-visiting activity, just maybe in a car instead of on two feet with a backpack now. and you know the non-nature landmarks along the way as you pass through cities. this is a whole new thing and i dont think theres a distinct cultural reaction to it yet. I will however note that the fourth distinct way to spend your time outside of your place has coalesced: The Volunteering, which absolutely can and does take you all over the country depending on what volunteering event you sign up for. my best friend irl does this a lot and ive been to like two events like this with her and its awesome, though it does require you to have a lot of Youthful Energy and a longing to do some physical labor instead of whatever else you do all day normally. obviously involves visiting places and their landmarks, still not tourism lmao
P.P.P.S tourism in our sense is a fully gender neutral activity, and in fact a common COUPLES thing. everyone knows theres no sex in soviet union, but when there's a tent and two young people in love, well don't ask don't tell as they say amirite. (privacy is thin on the ground when young people are expected to and usually only can live with their parents until at least after they get married since that's the only way to have an apartment distributed to them from the government, or to have their parents exchange their bigger apartment for multiple smaller ones) (there is in fact a whole cultural sub-thing about all-girl groups struggling to recruit at least one boy to come with to Ensure Their Safety to their worried parents and also do manly things like split firewood and carry a marginally bigger portion of heavy things in exchange for a larger portion at mealtimes) (all-boy groups notably dont have this problem and are expected to be able to cook Tourist Porridge for themselves just fine)
also theres another song - admittedly just a couplet - about this meaning of tourism, apparently a parody/corruption of another song: "где бронепоезд не пройдет // не пролетит стальная птица // турист на пу, на пу, на пузе проползет // и ничего с ним не случится!" "where an armored train won't pass // a steel bird won't fly through // a tourist on his bell, bell, belly'll crawl // and nothing'll happen to him" so that probably gives you a bit more of an insight into the cultural attitude there XD
on ethnostates and reality
in the current real world there are two options for polities
- an overt ethnostate, mostly monoethnic*, with some amount of minorities that it treats variously, in large degree based on whether they have their own native ethnic state out there that cares about how they are treated / has a reputation that transfers over to them in a positive or negative manner,
- a covert ethnostate, also known as "an empire", polyethnic but one of the ethnicities* is the one that dominates the echelons of power due to pre-existing accumulated wealth. Also treats its minorities differently based on whether they're immigrants from a state it respects, a state it disrespects, or don't have a state of their own (native or migrants)
*"ethnicity" is a word that stretches as far as local politics go. in the us it's 'white people', other places divisions are more gradual, it can change from generation to generation in any given place too :)
I'm sure you have noticed two curious facts about this:
- there is no such thing as a non-ethnic state currently,
- people's treatment, even in foreign countries & diaspora, depends on whether they have one of their own.
Jews all over the world benefit from the existence of Israel, even if they don't want to emigrate to it, and absolutely regardless of their opinion on its policies. I don't know about US politics, but in Ukraine where I live it's made an IMMENSE difference. Having a Jewish friend or relative means having a friend or relative in a first world country with better healthcare than ours! I don't even know how to explain to people who aren't already aware of this how much of a difference this makes compared to, say, the attitude towards Romani, yeah?
Jews aren't the only ones for whom ethnostate is a burning question, either. You know Ukraine? We're currently in a war that determines whether we get our own ethnostate (where our language is the state language, our culture gets promoted and sponsored, our politics are our own etc) or get eaten by a neighbouring empire - those are our two options! And the neighbouring empire is not ethnically benevolent: they say that "all Slavs are brothers" and what they mean by this is "Ukrainians aren't REALLY distinct, so it's okay to outlaw their language, destroy their culture and kidnap their children for reeducation". Our current alternative is between ETHNOSTATE and GENOCIDE.
There is a reason the current world order (at least / particularly in Europe) is mostly based around ethnostates. It used to be based around empires instead! And then empires broke apart and let their constituent parts self-govern, and this, the creation of ethnostates instead, was A MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT. Take my word for it or read some history.
One day, maybe, the world over will turn over again, and ethnostates will be replaced with another, more benevolent and equitable system. But right now, they literally have no alternative: you have an ethnostate, or you are an oppressed minority.
Let's not focus our ire for this on the political position to not get genocided ever again, yeah?
pro-abortion. pro-divorce. i believe we have the god-given right to give up
when people go after no-fault divorce or abortion what they're really doing is trying to enshrine the sunk cost fallacy into law
it sounds like a joke but this is a genuine political belief of mine. you should be able to leave a situation you don't like. the government has no business trapping you in a relationship.
quitters rights!
The 'freedom to leave' is a central tenet of freedom. Most personal freedoms are dependent on that.
So fun fact time!
In my country we don't have "case law" we have ?regular law? where the documents the courts reference are Legal Documents Specifically and only. The judge doesn't have freedom of opinion outside the range explicitly specified by the law.
What we also have in my country is that you can only go to the gvt records building and sign a paper that says youd like to be divorced if: - you don't have a child - both people are present to sign it and if either of these is lacking you have to file a divorce claim to the court even if you and your spouse literally fully agree on everything, are besties and both just want to not be legally married anymore (the second person does not in fact have to show up in person to court, they can just send a letter where they say they agree to divorce)
The result of this process is a document called "court decision" / "decision of the court". It contains the actual resolution / court orders, and before it the full legal decision making process - quoting relevant legislation! - that led to it. The creativity of... whoever is in charge of composing these... ranges from 1 page to like 5 pages of small print.
The legislation that is quoted outlines the fundamental conflict related to this sort of case:
- According to part 2 art. 112 of the Family Code of Ukraine the court makes the decision to dissolve the marriage if it is established that further life together and preservation of marriage would contradict essential interests of one of them.
- Also, according to the provisions of parts 3 and 4 of article 56 of the Family Code of Ukraine, each of the spouses has the right to terminate marriage relations. Forcing into termination of marriage relations, forcing into their preservation, including forcing into sexual contact using physical or psychological force is a violation of the rights of the wife, the husband to freedom and personal autonomy and may have legal consequences.
(These are both copypastes from the actual translated court decisions I have on my computer because I used to work as a translator. On my work laptop I had a growing collection of legal quotes like these so I could reuse translations of the same articles lmao)
There is also a DECISION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT JUDGES that the first one of those should be interpreted as "the court must be stringent and may ONLY grant divorce IF it has proven that preservation of marriage would contradict essential interests".
But, of course, the court cannot /deny/ a divorce claim, because that would be forcing them into preservation of marriage relations and would thus violate their rights to freedom and personal autonomy!
What this means in practice is that in every single divorce claim the court swears up and down that ACCORDING TO TESTIMONY AND SUBMITTED EVIDENCE, it is PROVEN that
- The parties have lost the feelings of love and respect towards each other, there is no possibility of reconciliation.
- The parties do not deny that the marriage and family relations between them are terminated and have formal nature. The parties do not keep a common household. They do not agree to make peace.
- The marriage relations are terminated in the family of the plaintiff and the defendant due to different views on family life. The parties reside at different address. Taking into account these circumstances, the court believes the family to have fallen apart irreparably, the renewal of marriage relations to be impossible, as further life together and preservation of marriage would essentially contradict the interests of the parties.
- Over the course of their life together the spouses have started to conflict due to different worldviews. At the moment the marriage exists formally, the spouses do not keep a joint household and do not have marriage and family relations since [month of year]. The plaintiff and the defendant do not wish to renew these relations and believe it would be contrary to their interests.
- The parties have no desire to reconcile. The marriage cannot be renewed as there is no love, mutual trust and respect between the parties. From the explanation of the parties regarding the case, the court has established life together of the spouses failed due to lack of understanding which led to the loss of feelings of respect and love. Since [month of year] the spouses live separately, do not maintain marriage and family relations, do not keep a joint household, do not have a shared budget and live at different addresses. Parties do not agree to acts of reconciliation, did not find basis for reconciliation within the period provided by the court for reconciliation, as future family life is not possible, the marriage exists formally. At these circumstances the court concludes that the parties have proven the reality and unchangeability of their will expression regarding marriage dissolution.
(all real quotes with any specific information redacted)
It's a creative writing exercise for every single decision & it's amazing. Every single time NEITHER PARTY IS AT FAULT (because that'd be a whole different court process, I've translated a few of these too) but THEIR CONFLICT IS IRRECONCILABLE. They have different views on family life and have lost the feelings of love and respect towards each other. There is no understanding between them. There's like 10 phrasings like this that recombine to create a truly unique (or at least rare combinatorically) tale of woe. (The court process does not involve gathering evidence or hearing out testimonies because, and I cannot overstate this, they cannot actually make a different decision on a divorce claim because that would be illegal)
(There is also some international treaty Ukraine signed that also reiterates the right to divorce at will, and a whole bunch more of articles in the vein of "the husband and wife must respect each other" that make the whole thing funnier the more of them are quoted in the same document. I learned so much law from our people's struggle with our beloved bureaucracy. And earned so much $$$ from the misery of it)
I think he just read up on the geopolitical tensions that were already happening. that was part of the pretext for the earlier invasion in 2014
Like, he and half of Ukraine??? The half that was actually following the news & Russian media??? Everyone who didn't predict this was not paying attention???
(Attentive optimists were hoping that This Exact Thing doesn't happen, with high precision as to what exactly they were hoping wouldn't happen)