#tumblr polls – @lilietsblog on Tumblr

Aremo Shitai Koremo Shitai Onna no Ko ni Mietatte

@lilietsblog /

Wow, it's been like 10 years since I updated this. Neat. I've made a dreamwidth blog just in case tumblr dies. I think dreamwidth is neat. My username on Discord is Liliet#1061 (and no I don't intend to update it, they're asking but they haven't tried to force me yet). My username on reddit is LilietB. Read PGTE. Homestuck is great. Peace and love on the planet Earth. I'm Ukrainian. Wish us luck.

It's baffling to me that this is asking for a SINGLE answer. I'm pretty sure that it's not an uncommon condition to own multiple cats from different sources...

  1. Bought on the market (the 3rd option)
  2. Found them / were gifted (the neighbour found them and offered to us bc they had two cats already)
  3. Adopted from someone we knew! (They found a stray cat with a litter of kittens on their balcony)

fuck it let's try this again

This misses the point. It's not whether walruses exists. It's whether walruses leave the arctic regions, pass through a climate that would kill them because they're evolved to nap on ice blocks, somehow make their way to my yard, come up the stairs, and KNOCK. Even without the knocking, that's a lot of impossible.

A squirrel? No shock. Possum? It's happened. Corvid? Perfectly rational. Bear-- well, okay, but I'm gonna scream and run. Deer-- now we're getting into weird territory, because they may be around all the time, they don't do THAT. Kangaroo? Now we're moving into "this is impossible", despite the fact that Kangaroos definitely exist.

It's not "earth animal that exists vs. mythical creature that doesn't" and never has been. It's "an earth animal what cannot possibly be there vs. a creature that you may or may not have believed existed previously."

This is definitely a push poll by the way. This is how politicians gets results that say "85% of my constituents want this passed!"

Because they do not word the answers in a neutral manner, in a DELIBERATE attempt to skew the results the way they want. They ignore the real reason people answered the way they do (I know walruses are not in my area, I do not know the territorial range of a mythical creature) in order the force their own personal reasoning onto the poll answers.

Which is fine for a dumb little poll but you need to understand it's deceptive. know, that's actually a valuable addition.

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