My mother's first home was a refugee camp. Her mother was sold on a Nazi slave market.
I have dead relatives on Ukrainian battlefields. We can't get them back because russia has colonised the regions.
One relative was taken hostage by the bastard russians and tortured for 2.5 years.
The word "slave" actually means "Slavic person". The word "genocide" was invented in Lviv.
An Amnesty International guy chased my mother through a shopping mall, yelling at her that she was a "stupid white woman who wouldn't know what a refugee is".
Ukrainians aren't allowed to talk about the racism we get every single fucking day because we're "too white".
I will add to this that when I gave a presentation at university about the Holodomor, some Anglo guy stood up, interrupted me, and said Ukrainians deserved it because we're "Nazis".
Adding more, because the russian missile and drone attacks hitting Ukraine right now pretty much broke me.
This was what russians did to one of my family churches in Australia nearly eleven years ago. The racism never ends.
I think people in the west need to face the fact that racism and xenophobia look different in different regions.
Not every country is the USA, and has the same history with colorism and anti-black sentiments based on slavery. Not every empire colonised and occupied regions populated by dark-skinned people.
And now, in the world, there are more meaningful ethnic and national identities than "white" and "black". And many groups are oppressed because of them.
Just because black/white racism is the dominant form of systematic oppression in the USA does not mean that’s universally true. One could guess this fact from the way the USA isn’t the centre of the universe.