on Gamzee Makara
I love Gamzee. He's a fascinating character, with tragic backstory (parental neglect, childhood drug use, resentment and mockery of his religion and his personality from those he called friends), amazing design and compelling philosophy (I'm not kidding here. Sign me up for miracles everywhere) He was an awesome friend before he snapped, never taking offense and cheering everyone up. I saw livebloggers peg his chatlots as annoying but I never felt that about him )= Then, most likely long after he ran out of slime pie, he got his religion mocked and humiliated, and finally snapped, possibly under influence of Lord English he managed to be awesome, terrifying and funny during his muderous rampage, unlike Eridan who was scary but pathetic he represents so many interesting themes - parental neglect, relationship abuse, drug use, religious fanaticism His death was amazing and I would never want it undone.