oh, darling, quite the opposite in fact... (leverage season 2 episode 12)
We provide… leverage.
Leverage 2x12 - "The Zanzibar Marketplace Job"
Leverage 2x12 - "The Zanzibar Marketplace Job"
"It's 101, man. After that, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out."
Leverage S02E12 The Zanzibar Marketplace Job.
Leverage 2x12 - "The Zanzibar Marketplace Job"
Leverage 2x12 - "The Zanzibar Marketplace Job"
"The Zanzibar Marketplace Job" doodles (with bonus sketchbook money Marge)
Leverage 2x12 - "The Zanzibar Marketplace Job"
Beth Riesgraf as Parker in Leverage (2008-2012)
Wow, Maggie has awful tastes in men.
i forgot how emo eliot can be. they pull a wee little con and tara's like ohh what we imagine is always so much better than the reality and this man really replies "like love?"
op don't hide your absolute correct take in the tags: #something something he's falling for hardison and parker and brooding abt it
obsessed w eliot for real. he's like a cat that jumps into your lap and immediately bites you
Leverage S01E12 The First David Job/S02E12 The Zanzibar Marketplace Job.
Something I love about the Tara Cole arc is how custom-tailored the cons feel to her
They truly allow her specific skills, as well as her overall physical presence, to shine, to the point where, while I know Sophie could have succeeded in those scenarios, I can't even imagine what her grifts would look like because Tara rocked them so damn hard
maggie is so funny for being the only person in the leverage universe who can immediately see through scams lol. in most spy/cop/crime/etc shows the audience is meant to assume that the loud stage whispering is inaudible in-universe, that the obvious "lying voice" is much less obvious, and that those things are made clearer for the audience’s benefit. sure, maggie has the advantage of knowing to be suspicious but the team deal with a lot of people who should be suspicious of any newcomers, and whose lives or careers depend on being able to spot a double cross. so i guess in-universe maggie is like… uniquely & superhumanly perceptive. she’s a tv character who’s immune to tv logic. her life must be so weird
[average day at work]
coworker: i guess that guy is just a normal person with no connection to the art smuggling world!
maggie: he walked 2 feet away. stood facing the corner. put a hand to his ear. and started talking loudly about how he "almost got caught" and needs to meet with someone at a cafe down the street in an hour
coworker: mhm, i don’t understand your point?
maggie: ……