hey! I've been super busy lately with helping with my older brothers wedding but now that he's married I have a lot more free time on my hands, since I was also laid off my job end of August
if you were thinking of commissioning me for a ring or a Pokemon pen (I'm starting to also make Yugioh and Dragon Ball Z pens as well btw!) or a calligraphy piece now would be a really great time.
I know I sent out that survey for the pens a few months ago to gauge interest and now would be a really great time to message me and let me know if you want to buy something from me! I also have an etsy so if you want to check whats up there or message me on there instead that would also be cool
some rings and pens ive made so far for a bit of context
I have a bunch of posts about the things I make and I do both rollerball and fountain pens--let me know if you're interested in buying! I really appreciate it!
And my first Yugioh and Dragon Ball Z pens are coming soon!