• Goodmorning Orlando 🇺🇸❤️ Let's start this new chapter of my life!!! :) #Orlando #Florida #USA #States #Fomento #LeonChiro #Nukacola #Cheers #Selfie #News #Holidaymatsuri #Marriot #Hotel #Gatsby #thegreatgatsby #Cosplay #Cosplayer #Art #Life #Journey #Voyage #World #Love #Happy #PhotoOfTheDay (presso Orlando World Center Marriott)
• ORLANDO / Florida 🇺🇸❤️ Such a paradise of view and hotel! ⭐️ The whole place around me makes me feel like the great Gatsby somehow, especially with John's classy Nuka Cola ahaha Plus I spent a wonderful evening with him and Indra! Can't wait to get up tomorrow, I'm so excited for this Experience! ❤️ - Insomma senza vista dalla camera! E devo ammettere che fa molto The Great Gatsby, specialmente con la Nuka Cola in mano! :") Albergo 5 stelle, 28 gradi fuori a dicemebre, cibo a volontà e grande compagnia! Perché prossima settimana dovrei tornare a Roma? :)) #Orlando #Florida #USA #States #Fomento #LeonChiro #Nukacola #Cheers #Selfie #News #HolidayMatsuri #Marriot #Hotel #Gatsby #thegreatgatsby #Cosplay #Cosplayer #Art #Life #Journey #Voyage #World #Love #Happy #PhotoOfTheDay (presso Orlando World Center Marriott)
I'm officially on Holiday! :) Cheers to us and to this epic year! 🍸 ~Tuxedo Snake - MGS #Holiday #Cheers #Tuxedo #Snake #MGS #MetalGearSolid #TuxedoSnake #LeonChiro #LeonChiroCosplayArt #Cosplay #Art #Fomento #Happy #PhotoOfTheDay #Photo (presso Rome, Italy)
Tuxedo Snake - MGS *ALLERT* SURPRISE!!! I never expected to do this one day, but I did it! I still have to remember you that I'm working on my MGS4 VAMP cosplay these days as well! :D And in the future, Raiden! So this one is just a little tribute. With all my heart for the Metal Gear Saga, I choosed this special cosplay for my dear friends' wedding! They asked me to make something original for their special day with a cosplay theme, and that was the surprise! And hey, he's Walter Pellegrini, how can I say no to him? :) In the end me and Jess made some pictures and this is the first preview! I thought you may like it so here you are! :) Well yeah, that's my Tuxedo Snake, a little tribute for the MGS saga with my heart and interpretation! :D But if you want to see the REAL one, you should go and check my brother, partner in cosplay and crime and living legend RBF-Productions-NL! Cheers!!! *Snake-Out* #Snake #Tuxedo #TuxedoSnake #LeonChiro #LeonChiroCosplayArt #MetalGearSolid #PeaceWalker #MGS #Cosplay #Art #Cheers #Wedding #Kojima #Konami #BigBoss (presso Da Baffone)
Last night in #Instanbul !!! :) Thank you for everything! #leon #leonchiro #leonchirocosplayer #leonchirocosplayart #turkey #fomento #drink #cheers #friends #cosplay #kontakt #fun #memory #journey # (presso Taksim Nevizade)