I don't care if it's the best TV show of all time. I cannot be tricked into consuming a cartoon about league of legends.
It’s loosely inspired by league of legends.
Imagine Spiderverse style animation with a plot about class differences, civil war, when it’s okay to abandon morals for the greater good, and how much evil someone can do before they’re not family anymore. Then throw in two gay situationships and the greatest soundtrack you’ve ever heard.
If that’s not your thing, that’s cool. Don’t disregard it just cause it’s league of legends tho.
Honestly, as far as season 1 is concerned, the class war stuff doesn't even really track. Piltover and Zaun are not two communities in the same city, but two cities right next to each other that barely interact. Which leads to the important question: Who does all the labour in Piltover? Someone has to produce all the shiny gold trim. It's not the people of Zaun, so there is presumably a whole population of workers that we never get to see.