🍉 Before the night is dyed with light—
When I say „Meiho-Sou Trio“ this is what I am talking about <3
Art of my Sona by @leletosu
Something I love about the Fact that Tristan and Bartholomew are my two favourites is that they both were in Meiho-Sou, one of my favourite FGO Events, needless to say because of the cast! Tristan, Bartholomew and Juquia to me are the Meiho-Sou Trio to me because I realised they all 3 were in this Event and had a great dynamic (in this case Juquia took the Role of the Movie Assist, my Husbands Mastersona was in the position of Guda as Cameraman) so I like the name to explain the dynamic!
Its like it was written in the Stars…
Art by @leletosu
Tailor-Made Mystic Code to suppress Juquias Curse for around 10% and applied to her needs of having something easy & comfortable to wear and easy to move around while looking chic!
Juquias first own Original & Official Outfit! Since she is my Sona, she used to just wear what I have in my wardrobe as well. But I decided now to design her very own Outfit, which will now her new Standart „To Go“ Outfit!
I also love how she matches both her Servants while still keeping her own Style!
Art by @leletosu
Here are my Takes on both Isoldes! I felt like sooner or later it’s gonna happen that I will create a Design for all the major Characters from the Tristan Legend, haha.
Unlike my Gottfried Tristan whose appearance is only based on Gottfried von Straßburgs „Tristan“ the two Isoldes are a fusion of many different depictions combined with my own interpretation and take of them!
While it is said that Isolde Weißhand has dark hair there is also a mention that she looks very similar (in some points) to Isolde from Ireland/La Belle Isolde. So I just decided to go with dark blonde hair in contrast to La Belles Strawberry Blonde!
I also used more story telling on Weißhand with the two roses. It is said that blue roses stand for unrequited love and yellow roses for envy or jealousy. Green is also often associated with Jealousy or Envy, so this is just to summarise her Character Arc in most Myths!
La Belle Isolde was a real obstacle to find a expression that fits her strongwilled personality and her calculating and yet very sublime Aura. So there was more work on her overall than Isolde Weißhand. Especially to capture her natural Beauty but yet let her appear like a Queen. Both Isoldes are royal but Isolde from Ireland seems way more powerful in appearance as a whole, haha.
【Fate/Grand Order Master OC: Tristan-Ysaÿe Oucresthia】
Art by @leletosu
Tristan-Ysaÿe (nickname Trys) is a Mage who studied under the Botany Department. His Family tree is believed to descend from Tristan & Isolde. Which is the reason for the Focus on how to make potions, medicine or poison.
Trys is said to be the most successful descendant to Tristan not only in looks but also in Skills, which is why he got the name „Ysaÿe“ as well. Since this timeline leans on the fact Story where Tristan and Isolde got children and just named them after themselves. Which leads to every child being named Tristans and Isolde (yes Trys' father was also named Tristan). Eventually his father would marry a woman from a German and wealthy Mage Family to give Trys the financial support he needs for hobby’s and lectures like archery or music.
This is why he would end up having Oucresthia as last name and not something directly related to Tristan or Isoldes Name.
Design Concept and Command Spell Art by @leletosu
Enough Lore Dump for now; I am so glad I can finally share my Tristan Master OC with you all! Big thanks to Patt for all the wonderful work! <3
HBD 🎁🎈
OC | tw // blood , violence , death
lotsa trolls in replies lul 😰 stay informed everyone 🙏🙌
tmblr pls i alr abandoned my pixiv account 🥺
Once Upon a Fairytale 💚🧚
Happy New Year everyone !!
my art summary for 2023 :0 i may have been unlucky this year but I'm pretty proud of my artworks now so thats fun !
Merry Holidays ! I met the generous guy himself 😳🎅
happy eve day !!
I'm in my phase