Carry On Countdown, Day 1: Creature
(Quotes from "Wayward Son" and "Any Way the Wind Blows" by @rainbowrowell)
My first ever @carryon-countdown! I immediately saw this image in my mind when I read the prompt for day 1.
Rereading Wayward Son and this art hits SO HARD. Simon is carrying around the embodiment of his trauma on his back. And exactly like with trauma, he wants to get rid of his wings and tail, he doesn’t want other people to see them, he feels different and wrong and even his friends don’t know how to help him cope aside from covering them up for him, pretending nothing has changed. It’s so heartbreaking and poignant and I’m so HAPPY Simon, Baz and Penny are given books 2 and 3 to explore and (start to) come to terms with their trauma. Simon might not explicitly accept his wings, but he does learn to be gentle with them and how to give them space and that he doesn’t always have to hide them- especially from the people who love him. Baz treats them kindly (minus the tail pulling but we all know Simon was pretty into that) and accepts Simon as a whole, complete with his trauma/dragon parts in the same way that Simon accepts him as a man and a vampire.