Describe what you do and your feelings after posting a chapter. (For example: When do you usually post a fic/chapter update? How do you celebrate a posting? Are you the type to refresh constantly?, etc.)
It depends on the story, really. Usually, I will copy over the text of the chapter from whatever text editor I was using, and then hit preview and do a quick proofread, for formatting as well as typos. If I'm posting anonymously, e.g. to a DW meme, that's usually it. And then I try to distract myself from the nervous F5 dance. If I'm posting to AO3, I'll save as a draft and do at least one more read-through for small errors. Sometimes on my phone, which helps me catch more mistakes.
6) What is the most frequent emotion in this story?
Ah, for the readers or for the characters? I'll answer for BFS.
I think for readers I'd like the dominant emotion to be curiosity, and that seems to be working well for me. For the characters… tenderness, I suppose. Tenderess ahead of trust, because the relationship in BFS works in reverse. First comes marriage, then comes getting to know each other, heh.
Emerald: Which of your characters is hardest to write?
I would say that I struggle more with characters that I write rarely, like Christabel and Periwinkle, both 7KPP OCs. Partly because I haven't written them as much, and so their backgrounds and their families aren't as well developed, and so that creates a kind of cycle. And partly because the narration of the game gives their backgrounds a very strong, very decided voice, which does not entirely agree with my vision of them. Christabel especially was written a little against type.
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
I have daydreams about alternate universes for some of my OCs, ones that I don't intend to put to paper. And I have a folder of unfinished stories that won't ever reach posting status, like D&F stories that I wrote to flesh out certain background details, but which don't themselves make for very good reading.
I also have a little self-indulgent fic for someone else's work in progress, lol. But It doesn't really agree with what would eventually be "canon", and I don't think anyone would enjoy reading it but me. I do enjoy it a lot, though.