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Popette of the First Church of Quantum Universes

This pink glittery gown was first worn by Zooey Deschanel as Lady Larkin in the 2005 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒏𝒆𝒚 production of 𝑶𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑼𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔.   The costume was seen again in another Disney production – the television show 𝑶𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑼𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆, where it was spotted on an extra in the 2014 third-season episode 𝑺𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑫𝒓𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒔.   See more photos of this costume at:    


Hey, welcome to the ancient board game fandom. We've got "game speculatively reconstructed from surviving boards and playing-pieces which we're only about 60% sure actually go together", "game known from a single extant description whose various contradictions and omissions strongly suggest that whoever wrote it had never played the game they're describing", and "game which has weak evidence for being roughly two thousand years old but might also have been invented whole-cloth in the 19th Century". Enjoy your arguments!

"Game we have various fragments of rules spanning a thousand years which put together amount to a full ruleset that doesn't work."

And the worst part is that we'll never be 100% sure whether the reason it doesn't work is because we've reconstructed it wrong, or because sometimes popular games just suck.


the worst part of "you'll understand when you're older" is that you really do understand when you're older

The second worst part is, once you get older, you find yourself saying "you'll understand when you're older" with Full Comprehension of how fucking annoying you're being right now, but also knowing that it's all you can say.

Dark version: You understand but still object. In a "no, the thing that felt arbitrary and unfair and harsh was actually you lashing out and I understand exactly what led you there but you still should have done better" way. In an "as a child I forgive you but as a parent I never will" way. In an "actually what I understand now is that that actually was abuse" way.


Think of how much longer he would have lived if he hadn't let all those 2.4 million babies drain his precious life force


~ Everyday Etiquette: A Practical Manual of Social Usages by Marion Harland and Virginia Van De Water, 1905


Perhaps it's just because I'm a short woman who happens to enjoy both frilly dresses and sex, but I get so mad when people say Ariana grande or Sabrina carpenter are encouraging pedos by uh .... being short, enjoying cute things, and enjoying sex. I'm sorry some adult women are very cute and hot and like sex. And it literally has nothing to do with children. The people accusing them of being creeps are the ones inserting children into the discussion at all. (hyumjim voice) And I'm NOT supposed to be creeped out by that???

This post got me blocked by a mutual but I don't care I'm an advocate of women expressing their sexuality EVEN IF they have committed the crime of being short.

Women : existing

Ppl : eww you encourage [bad behaviour by men] that's misogynistic

Like, can we stop that discourse pls

We can certainly shift the discourse to the influences of her studio and the normalisation of porn, but what we are not going to do is pretend there’s nothing wrong with the fact that Carpenter’s sexual submissiveness is lauded while WAP, a song that focused on the women’s pleasure, was demonised.


women who use tiktok i am talking to you directly. yall gotta stop engaging in this girl math women shouldn’t vote shit. it’s not a silly ironic joke men mean that and they are making fun of you. listen to me. call them out when you see it happen. show the kids who use that bastard app that it’s not okay to make jokes like that. stop being part of the problem and stand up for yourselves

There’s a reason that women’s health care, right to vote, right to divorce, ect are under threat while every 5th meme is how women need protected from having to make hard decisions or are to dumb and incompetent to make them. Someone somewhere is paying people to make this stuff too. Someone pays for the tradwife mommy blogger’s camera, someone pays for the podcast bro no one’s ever heard of to have an immaculate studio set up, HD cameras, and mics, someone pays to make sure that at any given time there’s a women incompetent meme that’s popular even if the original creator didn’t intend it.

It’s a propaganda campaign.

same goes for that kind of content that's like "explaining geopolitical conflicts in girlypop terms". Women are not stupid, they don't need any serious matter to be dumbed down for them with misogynistic analogies about boy bands or shopping. And it's usually women creating that kind of content, I don't know how they don't see how infantilizing and insulting that is to their intelligence


before it gets bad I'm just gonna tell y'all certain rich people have literally only recently noticed Open Source software availability compromises the bottom line of their proprietary investments so if you see little chickadees on this website talking about the dangers of Open Source software all of a sudden it's cuz they accidentally sipped some koolaid mixed up by the far right yacht people to fuck with peoples software sovereignty and right to repair, modify, and redistribute robust codebases that become a problem when 30% of your portfolio is in, oh, say, adobe or openai.

This is your unfriendly neighborhood computer fucker telling you not to fall for it and to demand your right to digital sovereignty rather than trusting companies to make correct choices about what to do with the parts of your life they would very much like to have in the cloud to continue improving their products.


TIL guinea pigs can be gay femboy bottoms

(Source: Kaiser, S., Krüger, C., & Sachser, N. (2024). The guinea pig. The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals, 465–483.

Btw, I've also had plenty of female guinea pigs who prefer to top and who will go for other female guinea pigs. Top dom lesbian piggies also exist!

The world is so beautiful


Not to be a pretentious asshole but yes there is a problem with people no longer reading the classics. A lot of the YA literature romance novel crowd perpetuates the myth that the classics are inherently boring and stuffy and there’s nothing you can relate to or learn by reading them. And they’re not. These beautiful universal things we enjoy, comedy, romance, tragedy, family strife, they’re still so poignant centuries after they’re written.

They’re classics for a reason! Those stories stood the test of time for a reason! They’re compelling and profound and often incredibly funny! The classics have been deeply analysed over and over because those stories have remained relevant and through each generational change we find new ways to interpret said stories through ever new lenses.

Current YA romance and romantasy novels have a very deep and reoccurring problem of treating their audiences like idiots incapable of even an ounce of interpretation or basic media literacy. The defense for this kind of repetitive dumbed down writing style is that the audience reads it to “turn off their brains”, but if I must stop my brain from doing its intended purpose in order to enjoy a piece of literary work, perhaps there’s a bigger conversation to be had on WHY people are so drawn into this mindless consumption.

I don’t believe there’s anything inherently wrong with liking these kinds of novels, but I often compare them to fast food. Eating junk food is sometimes exactly what we need in various circumstances, they’re tasty greasy and offer high calorie, high flavour and low to no nutritional value. Which is why eating nothing BUT junk food WILL have negative consequences on your health, even if not immediately. Same goes for these fast food types of novels. Consuming them isn’t inherently bad, but if they’re the only types of books you read, it will have negative impacts on your mind and your ability to interact with the world around you.


Me: I don't really believe in gatekeeping a field where anyone can learn with enough work. The training we get in academia isn't impossible to self-teach.

Also me: The number of people calling themselves "historians" or pretending to educate about history on social media when they're just reading Wiki or telling you fun facts is way too high. The job title has meaning. You wouldn't call yourself a mathematician for knowing how to make your graphing calculator make graphs.

Anonymous asked:

dont tag bible stuff as mythology God isnt mythology

hi hello how are you. most if not all story-based religions are in fact considered mythology by definition including the abrahamic religions. god is in fact abrahamic mythos whether you think he’s real or not. im sorry if that upsets you but im assuming this is regarding the post i just reblogged and i have to say im surprised the part you’re upset about is me tagging biblicalia as mythology and not the entire discussion on who tops in jesus/judas ship discourse


tumblr has the weirdest sexual energy like there definitely are people here who are horny but then theres also like a crowd around every kink outnumbering them 10 to 1 of like ? people who jsut like to post corny about it. the inherent eroticism of the blah blah type posting it's like kinks on here are social identifiers more than sexual interests. i mean i guess i am always saying to treat sexuality no differently to other aspects of life like it's just equal opportunity bad posting

overarching thesis continues to be that like half of yall aint even into the actual substance of ur transgressive kinks like that n ur just jacking off to the fact that it's taboo

Conversation excerpt from entropy:

I don't think u gotta have like the clearest like. #MediaAnalysis or whatever mind to jack off to something and for the most part I try not to think too much about whatever others are into but it's kinda funny when people wanna get on the high horse of jacking off and it's clear they just get into whatever their group is into and don't rly have any strong feelings beyond "it's cool to be in the ingroup"

the reason going viral on tumblr sucks is because instead of money you get death threats over statements you've never made in your entire life

me: I like pizza

my notes: most employees at pizza restaurants make minimum wage so this is problematic. if you cook your own pizza you're an elitist because having a kitchen makes you one of the bourgeoisie. stop appropriating italian culture. op why are you supporting a classically white food? I guess you want every other type of restaurant to go out of business. pizza is masculine and so it's evil. you're promoting obesity by mentioning food. kill yourself btw

my bank account: you have 31 dollar

only valid suggestion

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