Glitch: So, explain something to me.
Puck: Sure.
Glitch: You are this hella old, hella powerful Faery.
Puck: Yep.
Glitch: And as a hella old, hella powerful Faery, you decided that the best way to spend your time and energy was just spontaneously pranking humans and fey alike, just because.
Puck: Yup.
Glitch: Cool, cool, I respect that. So, here’s my question...WHY?
Puck: Because as a hella old, hella powerful Faery, I have an undisclosed amount of hellish and ungodly power at my disposal, and they expect me to unleash the aforementioned ungodly powers in explosions of jealous fury to smite my enemies and conquer kingdoms because that’s what’s expected of someone my age. So I don’t.
Glitch: ...So, basically, you do it just to screw with society’s expectations of you?
Puck: Yup.
Glitch: ...Well that’s disappointingly predictable.