@/larabar.oodles instagram <more shenanigans. if that's what you're looking for
what do those orca whales have against sonic anyway
Iizuka has also stated in a GameInformer interview (archived) that orcas chase Sonic because they are protecting their home!
Watch this space 👀
We've got the ball rolling and we're starting to get set up for the Sonic the Hedgehog Big Bang 2025! In a few weeks we will be announcing the schedule and sign up dates.
In the mean time, check out the 2024 Big Bang Masterpost to see all the previous pieces!
See you soon :]
made a full page drawing on my sketchbook :)
Do you think they passed?
happy frontiers release day !!
‘Sonic Frontiers’ was released 2 years ago today. Support us on Patreon
if anything boy is this guy fun to draw
day 309: if the world chooses to become our enemy, we will fight like we always have
‘Sonic Forces’ was released 7 years ago today. Support us on Patreon
Translated Sonic 4 panel manga
Worship of Solaris seemingly began after a single major event: when the city of Soleanna was hit by a huge fire, before being saved by a big eagle.
Eagle symbolism is common throughout Soleannan worship, which is almost certainly due to the fact that Solaris assumes a form that loosely resembles one. To be compared to biblical similes (the fact that events that are difficult to parse in the bible are usually compared to mundane or understood concepts, such as the "impossibly loud" sound of angels being called thunder or the sound of trumpets), it is likely that Solaris was called an "eagle" just in an attempt to process his form or compare it to something understandable, only for this comparison to grow as the understood image of the god.
Additionally, due to the "true form" of Solaris being not an eagle but rather flame, this dialogue heavily implies that worship of Solaris only began when Solaris manipulated a fire to consume Soleanna, before saving the city from the fire he himself caused.
The eagle mural seen throughout Kingdom Valley suggests that Solaris was viewed in a positive, life-bringing light, lording over nature and being responsible for the day cycle. However, the Duke of Soleanna speaks of the Flames of Disaster being released as a known possibility in the Soleannan religion.
Due to this it can be assumed that the royal family and perhaps those close to it (such as Lord Regis, who was involved with the Solaris Project) understand that it was Solaris' flames that burned the ancient Soleanna, and yet they promote worship of the god nonetheless, perhaps out of fear or potentially to further the goals of the Solaris Project.
Regardless, it is known that at least the "old sect" of the Soleannan religion feared Solaris and knew of the ruination he could bring, due to a mural found in Dusty Desert and the prayer heard in Solaris Phase 1.
Trick or Treat!
YAYAYAYYAY HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!! here!!🍬🍬🍫🍬🍭🍬