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Learn Dutch with me

@languageswithceles /

Celeste, 21 | Argentina 🇦🇷 | Target languages: 🇬🇧 (C1) 🇳🇱 (A2) 🇮🇹 (beginner)

if you’re reading this, it’s a sign that the thing you’re anxious about will go well. take a deep breath and trust yourself.


City Vocabulary in Italian

La città - city

La strada - street

La via (used for the name of streets) - street

la piazza - square

la fontana - fountain

il monumento - monument

la chiesa - church

il museo - museum

la scuola - school

l’università - university

l’edificio - building

l’albergo - hotel

il bar - café

il ristorante - restaurant

il supermercato - supermarket

la banca - bank

la farmacia - pharmacy

l’ospedale - hospital

il teatro - theater

il cinema - cinema

la metropolitana - subway

il parco - park

lo zoo - zoo


Dov’è la banca (l’ospedale, il cinema…)? where is the bank (hospital, cinema…)?

In centro - downtown

a destra / a sinistra - to the right / to the left

Scusi, c’è un ristorante vicino all’albergo? excuse me, is there a restaurant near the hotel?

Avanti diritto - straight ahead

Lontano - far

C’è un teatro a Firenze? is there a theater in Firenze?

  • animado | excited
  • ansioso | anxious
  • assustado | scared
  • chateado | upset
  • chocado | shocked
  • com medo | afraid
  • confuso | confused
  • culpado | guilty
  • decepcionado | disappointed
  • deprimido | depressed
  • embaraçada | embarrassed
  • entediado | bored
  • envergonhado | ashamed, embarrassed
  • estressado | stressed
  • exausto | exhausted
  • feliz | happy
  • frustrado | frustrated
  • furioso | furious
  • irritado | annoyed
  • miserável | miserable
  • nervoso | nervous
  • preocupado | worried
  • solitário | lonely
  • surpreso | surprised
  • tranquilo | calm
  • triste | sad
  • zangado ou com raiva | angry

Dutch ✨Period ✨ Vocab

Inspired by @kommtmirchinesischvor ‘s German list of period vocab and per request by @languageswithceles, here’s the Dutch version of that list!

chagrijnig - cranky, irritable

de ongesteldheid - period

de menstruatie - menstruation

de menstruatiecyclus - menstrual cycle

het maandverband - pad

de tampon - tampon

de menstruatiecup - menstrual cup

de stemmingswisseling(en) - mood swing(s)

de warme kruik - hot water bottle

de pil - the pill

het doorlekken - period leakage

de menstruatiepijn - menstrual pain, period cramps

het inlegkruisje - panty liner

de baarmoeder - uterus

het maandelijks probleem - monthly problem

Ik ben ongesteld - I have my period

Ik bloed als een rund - I’m bleeding like a pig

Ik heb een opgeblazen gevoel - I feel bloated

Alles doet pijn - Everything hurts

Ik voel me niet lekker - I’m not feeling well

Niet zwanger! - Not pregnant!

Heb je een pijnstiller/paracetamol voor me? - Do you have a painkiller/paracetamol for me?

Mag ik een tampon van je lenen? - Can I borrow a tampon? 

Waarom zijn die dingen zo duur? - Why is that stuff so expensive?

Waarom vallen tampons en maandverband onder ‘luxeartikelen’? -  Why do pads and tampons fall under “luxury items”?

Het is weer die tijd van de maand - It’s that time of month again

Ik kijk uit naar de overgang - I’m looking forward to menopause

Oh, dat verklaart waarom alles me gisteren aan het huilen maakte - Oh, that explains why everything made me cry yesterday

Haal chocola voor me - Get me some chocolate

A few things I’ve heard high schoolers say while I was working there:

Ik ben ongie - I have my period. lit. an abbreviation of ‘ongesteld’

Een bloedserieus kutprobleem - translates to something like A bloody serious c*nt problem

Now lastly, what my mother, my sister and I always used to say to each other when we got our period:

Het is weer feest - The party’s here again

Thank you so much for making the list!



I forgot to post yesterday, so I'll make a double post tonight. Not two very productive days overall, as I had to do some paper work for my future master's degree.

  • German: re-watched Die Welle without subtitles yesterday. I remember watching it for the first tima about four years ago, when I still didn't know any German and had to rely entirely on subtitles; it was nice to understand most of what was going on without having to read them.
  • French: read Cocteau's La machine infernale today.
  • Spanish: spoke to the lovely @languageswithceles for a while yesterday -- before our Internet connections decided to bail on us 😂

It was so nice to speak to you! I hope we can chat again this Saturday 😊😊


🌻 little habits/things to do more of 🌻


  • make your bed. (no, really.)
  • set your top 3 to-dos for the day.
  • do your top 3 to-dos for the day. (heh)
  • stretch.
  • unpack your bag when you get home.
  • prepare your things for the next day before sleeping.
  • skincare. (your basic cleanse and moisturize)
  • sweep the floor of your bedroom.
  • talk to your plants. (if you have plants)
  • update your financial report/expense tracker.
  • take a good photo.
  • meditate.
  • hug at least three people. (seriously.)


  • polish your school shoes.
  • mop your bedroom floor.
  • dare i say, laundry. (don’t put it off!)
  • exfoliate.
  • take a leisure walk.
  • review your past week and plan your next week accordingly. (a part of your routine may not be working–try something new)
  • make a piece of art. (a sketch, a collage, a quote in pretty lettering, a god-awful poem..)
  • sanitize your gadgets. (whip out the wet tissue and wipe away at your phone, your laptop, your mouse, your earphones–just don’t forget to IMMEDIATELY follow that up with a dry cloth to prevent fogging and short circuits)
  • watch a TED Talk.
  • make a new playlist.


  • wash your bag.
  • wash your shoes.
  • change the sheets of your bed and your pillows.
  • clip your nails. (honestly)
  • wax/shave. (if you want. i just really like how fresh my skin feels after i torture it with razors and wax strips)
  • wipe your shelves/the tops of your furniture clean. (try to avoid dusting. it just scatters the dirt everywhere. use a damp cloth instead)
  • see if there’s anything in your storage that you don’t need/want anymore and give stuff away or sell them.
  • review your month and plan the next one accordingly. (just like your weeks. remember to refer to your Life Goal/Year’s Goals page)
  • finish reading at least one book. (and review it!)
  • discover new songs.

- 🍂


We need to talk about LingoHut

I’m supposed to be studying some Italian, but instead, I was googling in my computer how to learn a new language (no, googling how to learn will not teach you shit, you have to sit down and learn your target language not how to do it, I know but I’m lazy.) and I came across LingoHut, and I have to share it.

I don’t know if someone ever talked about this page, but if they did is worth mentioning again.

So basically you go to the website and in the Home Page you have to choose what is your first language and what language are you trying to learn.

Once you choose it’ll take you to another page in which you have tons of lessons, for ex. In Italian, there are 109 lessons.

I haven’t checked every lesson yet but for example, the first one is greetings and such. You click that lesson and you have 16 flashcards that will show you the word in your target language and the translation, at the same time that someone pronounces the words.

Below the flashcards, you have this  ⬇️

And basically is a bunch of game, an easy matching words kind of game, some kind of tic tac toe with words, a memory game do you know the one that kids play in which they have to find the matching pictures? Same but with words and lastly a listening and matching game.

Below the bar of the games, we have the vocabulary list of the words we are taught in that lesson, and you can click the word and listen the pronunciation.

In the end, you have a bunch of the next lessons.

The lessons vary from the content it can be greetings, numbers, health stuff, office words, computer terminology, etc.

The website doesn’t have every language in the world, but it has a lot of them. choose your target language, in my case Italian, and enjoy, is fun and simple if you want to practice or do something related to your target language but you don’t have the willingness that day to study something more consistent like structure.

And the best part is that as far as I went looking around in this page it’s fucking free. Sure, you won’t end the one hundred and something lessons speaking like a native from whatever target language you’re learning, but it can be useful to expand your vocabulary.



Raga - short for “ragazzi”; literally: “guys” (probably the most used)

Dai - it can be translated to “come on” and it’s pronounced like the English word “die” (so yeah it can create a little bit of misunderstanding)

Meno Male! - literally “less bad!”; but it means “thank God!”

Magari! - literally “maybe”; it’s the italian equivalent of “I wish!”

Basta - it means “that’s enough” “stop it” “enough”

Boh - literally this emoji: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or “to have no clue”. (“Did we have homework for today” “boh”)

Quattro gatti - literally “four cats”; it means very few people. (Alla festa eravamo in quattro gatti - at the party we were in four cats)

Come Dio comanda - literally “as God commands”; something done properly, like it should be.

Spettegolare - to gossip

Toccare ferro - literally “to touch iron”; italian equivalent for “knock on wood” (yeah we touch iron instead)

alzare il gomito - literally: “to raise the elbow”; to drink too much (if someone raised the elbow he drank more than he should have)

Siga - short for “sigaretta” which means cigarette (would be “ciga” in English? Did I just invented a new slang word? Idk)

Ci sta - literally: “it fits” it means “that’s cool” “sounds good”

Fatti furbo - literally: “make yourself smart”; it means something like “wake up!” “open your eyes!”

Un limone - literally: “a lemon”; it’s a make out session


One time I saw this New Yorker cartoon with a piece of penne pasta answering the phone and saying, “Fusilli, you crazy bastard! How are you?” and now I cannot cook fusilli without thinking you crazy bastard


German ✨Menstruation✨ Vocab

I am, how do you say, gereizt, and I want to share my knowledge with you all, so that when you are gereizt as well, you can express yourself accordingly.

Please enjoy:

gereizt - irritable; cranky; short-tempered

Ich hab’ meine Tage - I’m on my period (lit. I have my day)

Ich hab’ meine Erdbeerwoche - I’m on my period (lit. I have my strawberry week) (note: we don’t use it that often, but I do love that word)

die Menstruation - menstruation

die Binde - pad

das Tampon/ das ob (pron. OB) - tampon

die Menstruationstasse - menstrual cup

die Stimmungsschwankung(en) - mood swing(s)

die Wärmflasche - hot water bottle

Heißhunger auf etwas haben - to have the munchies for sth.

Ich blute wie ein Schwein - I’m bleeding like a pig

Ich blute wie ein Wasserfall - I’m bleeding like a waterfall

Ich hab’ Bauchkrämpfe - I have cramps

Ich fühl’ mich voll aufgebläht - I feel super bloated

Mir tut alles weh - Everything hurts

Mir ist schlecht - I’m feeling sick/I’m gonna be ill

Nicht schwanger! - not pregnant!

Hast du ‘ne Schmerztablette für mich? - Do you have pain killers? (note: in coloquial German, we shorten “ein, eine, einen, einem, einer” to “‘n, ‘ne, ‘nen, ‘nem, ‘ner”)

Hast du vielleicht ein ob für mich? - Do you maybe have a tampon? (note: we also use the word “Tampon”, but I think “ob” is more common. o.b. is Germany’s most popular tampon brand, that’s where that word comes from)

Wieso ist das Zeug so teuer? - Why is that stuff so expensive?

Wieso fallen Binden und Tampons unter “Luxusartikel”?! - Why do pads and tampons fall under “luxury items”?

Freu’ mich schon auf die Wechseljahre. - Looking forward to menopause.

Can someone make a vocabulary list like this in Italian and Dutch? :)


I aspire to be a woman who loves to wakes up early in the morning and loves what she does for a living everyday. Travels often, spiritually secured, and financially stable.


in order to lead a happy life im gonna have to disappoint my parents a bit

not to be dramatic but this post genuinely made me consider my priorities in life and the choices i need to make for my own wellbeing


I recently started journaling and for some reason I feel a lot less anxious and I get things done?

Taking a few minutes out of your day to journal is a great mindfulness practice that helps you focus your thoughts, reduce stress, and help you achieve your goals! Not many people do it because it looks like you are wasting your time but it saves so much time and makes your life so much better! I recommend all my followers to buy a journal and keep up the practice for at least a week. You will notice a positive change in your life. Guaranteed!


If you are more like me and don’t like staring at a blank page then please check out the Morning Sidekick Journal by Habitnest! I got my journal during their Kickstarter campaign and have been using it ever since! It’s a journal that helps you implement healthy habits and win your morning. They also have other journals for meditation, nutrition, and weightlifting. But just look at this <3

Before I started journaling I was always stressed and directionless and maybe this sounds a bit silly but I am actually conquering my life now!

Check out their website here:


Where has this been all my life

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