Basic List of Totems
Is that a new meme I see? Why yes, it is!
Here is a short list of some of the most prolific Totems animals. Meanings do change between tribes, so be sure to check out the Tribe closest to where you where born. This list is a sort of general over-view.
I was always told that Raven was a trickster who despite her mischief, always had an important message to tell us about ourselves, if we only looked at how she was able to trick us.
The way Totems were explained to me was that we all have one Guiding Totem and three aspects. One each for Earth, Air and Water. My Totem is the Badger. My Air is Bat, Earth is Mouse.
Alligator: Symbolizes stealth and a fight for survival. Ant: Symbolizes group effort, teamwork and overall perseverance. Antelope: Quick to bound into action (if you need to act while taking a leap of faith – just do it); calm down, be still and look before you leap. Armadillo: Understands personal boundary and respects the boundaries of others; carries protection at all times; understanding of vulnerabilities; empathy; discrimination. Badger: Symbolizes aggressiveness, passion and drive. Bat: The guardian of the night. Bear: The protector and symbolizes physical strength and leadership as well as the wild, untamable side of humanity. Beaver: Best known as a hunter and gatherer. Bird: Free of worry, carefree, light-hearted. Bobcat: clear vision in dark places; vigilance; suspicion; seeking ancient mystical mysteries; ability to live in solitude; ability to see through masks. Buffalo: Provides the good things for those living as well as sacredness. Wisdom, renewal and personal power based on knowledge. Butterfly: A transformer and a symbol of metamorphosis; everlasting life. Cat: guardians of the spirit and good fortune; can see energy and self-sufficient. If you are drawn to cats, you may need to be more protective of your time and resources or you may be learning to take better care of yourself and to receive. Cougar: Stands for power, leadership, and swiftness. Coyote: Sometimes considered an omen of bad things; also considered a trickster. The embodiment of the things we cannot change or understand. He is about acceptance of human limitation. Crane: A symbol of solitude and independence. Crow: A Carrier of souls from darkness into light and guards against fear in the dark. Also a Shapeshifter; keeper of spiritual law; likes to steal shiny bright objects; always a clown. Look for the bright and shiny aspects of life. Deer: Symbolizes speed and family protection; plenty of game. Watch, listen, be patient, consider irreversible decisions carefully. Dog: Heals emotional wounds; understands duality of doubt and faith; companionship; unquestioned loyalty; love; knowledge of all things sensual; protection; ability to smell trouble. Dolphin: A symbol of power and control. Also a symbol of kindness, but has the nature to be playful. Donkey: Stubbornness; ability to make decisions; refusing to move when you know it’s not right; saying “NO” to others; ignoring other’s opinions. Dragonfly: Considered a messenger. Duck: Graceful on the water; sees clearly through emotions; spirit helper of mystics and seers. Eagle: Freedom, courage; considered the protector, carrier of prayers, visions & spirits. Emissaries from the sky. Eagle Feather: Sacred pieces of spirit - a reflection of a person's vision and accomplishments - bravery, good judgment, humility and special perspective. Prayers floating in the wind. Chief. Elk: A symbol of nobility, power, freedom, and great strength and agility. Falcon: Assists in soul healing; accompanies the soul back to the soul world; teaches swiftness and aerobatics of life; controls speed and movement. Fox: A very cunning, intelligent, and providing animal. Frog: Symbolizes renewal, fertility & springtime. Hawk: The great messenger and observer of the sky. Horse, Saddle bags: Journey. Hummingbird: Symbolizes devotion, permanence and eternity. Although the hummingbird is small in stature, it is extremely determined in it's own territory. Lizard: Promotes dreaming, agility, and conservation. Loon: Symbolizes peace, tranquility, and generosity. Loyalty and leadership. Brave and courageous. The best parents. Mole: Guardian of the lower regions; connects with the energies of the Earth; knowledge of herbs, roots, minerals, seeds, rivers and other hidden bounties of the earth; ability to turn inward; blindness to all but light and dark in the material world; love expressed in nature. Moose: Symbolizes scrutiny and attention to detail. Mountain Lion / Cougar / Puma: Wise leadership without ego; balancing power, intention, strength; self-confidence; freedom from guilt; cunning. Mouse: Symbolizes humility and is the pathfinder. Humble, generous and innocent; small and hard to find, just as humility is. Owl: A very respected animal and is thought to symbolize the souls of the departed. They are connected with darkness and night and are considered a bad omen. Otter: A mischievous creature that is also a symbol of laughter, curiosity, grace, and empathy. Parrot: Considered bringers of specific prayers and could bestow blessings. Pheasant: Symbolizes warning and concealment. Polar Bear: Never gets lost; solitude; expert swimmer through emotional waters; ability to find food where none seems to exist; strength in the face of adversity; communication with the spirit; creature of dreamers, shamans, mystics and visionaries; defense and revenge. Porcupine: Symbolizes gentle innocence and trust. Possum / Opossum: Proper use of deception; sensibility; guidance to uncovering talent, psychic or physical; gains wisdom; recovery. Quail: lives close to the earth; ability to blend into the background; finds peaceful solutions to peril; courage to face hardships. Rabbit: Symbolizes fear and overcoming limiting beliefs. Raccoon: Understands the nature of masks / disguises; dexterity; seeks guidance and confidence; questioning without fear; balancing curiosity. Raven: Sometimes considered a trickster like the coyote. It is also known to be a teacher, hoarder and the mark of a shape shifter. He is creator, deity, clown, caretaker and mischief-maker. Robin: Understands the power of song; happy; guide n the wisdom of change. Salmon: Symbolizes instinct, persistence, and determination. Seahorse: Symbolizes confidence and grace. Shark: A great symbol of survival, adaptability, and hunting prowess. Skunk: Understands energy flows; self-respect; courage; will power; self-confidence. Snake: Usually seen in healing and fertility rites. He is often considered a hunter. Sparrow: Symbol of desire and fertility; manifests new love in someone’s life; understands the aspects of race; ability to use the power of song; understands all aspects of color. Spider: The story weaver-creating something from almost nothing. Said to connect the past with the future; creative and weaves the pattern of life. Starling: Ability to control mobs; imitation, adaptability and intelligence; mental receptivity. Swan: The symbol of total grace, serenity, and innocence. Tadpole: A very powerful figure. They are a symbol of fertility, change, and renewal. Turkey (Earth Eagle): Sacrifice of self for a higher purpose; understands the gift of giving; honors Earth Mother; harvest bounties. Turtle: A very powerful symbol for women. It symbolizes fertility, long life, and perseverance. It is sometimes even considered able to defy death. Weasel: Stealth; cunning; ingenuity; revenge; ability to see hidden reasons behind things; power of observation; Weasel and otter hides, because they come from "tough little animals", are linked to the Crow sun dance, probably conferring endurance. For the Lakota, these two animals are especially "wakan", meaning akin to sacred. Wolf: The teacher of new ideas and wisdom; shows intense loyalty with a balance of independence. Teaches cooperation, protectiveness and the value of extended families. Wren: Messenger from the gods; sibling relationships (brother/sister); power of the voice; fearlessness; sees future events.