ladykrampus reblogged
The Triumph of Cybele, after Paolo Fiammingo’s ‘Triumph of Earth’ Hans Friedrich Schorer 1634 Pen and black ink, gray wash and white heightening
In Phrygia, where Rhea became identified with Cybele, she is said to have purified Dionysus, and to have taught him the mysteries, and thus a Dionysiac element became amalgamated with the worship of Rhea. Demeter, moreover, the daughter of Rhea, is sometimes mentioned with all the attributes belonging to Rhea. The confusion then became so great that the worship of the Cretan Rhea was confounded with that of the Phrygian mother of the gods, and that the orgies of Dionysus became interwoven with those of Cybele. Strangers from Asia, who must be looked upon as jugglers, introduced a variety of novel rites, which were fondly received, especially by the populace. […] The Phrygian goddess Kybele was the mother of Sabazios (the Phrygian equivalent of Dionysos). The Greeks adapted this tradition by describing Mother Rhea as the nurse and mentor of Dionysos. The Orgia (Orgiastic Cult) of Dionysos-Sabazios was derived from that of the Phrygian Meter Theon. […] “He [Dionysos in his madness driven wanderings] went to Kybela (Cybele) in Phrygia. There he was purified by Rhea and taught the mystic rites of initiation, after which he received from her his gear [presumably the thyrsos and panther-drawn chariot] and set out eagerly through Thrake [to instruct men in his orgiastic cult].” [x]
Curiouser and curiouser…