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Vila Wolf's Dyslexic Folklorist Ranting

@ladykrampus /

Hmm... I've got a strange and bizarre mind. I know what you're saying, doesn't everyone on the internet? I can say this, I'm not for everyone. It was once said that I've got a razor wit, a dark sarcasm and one hell of a twisted sense of humor. I like horror, I am a folklorist and I smoke. "Let me share something with you, a secret, We believe what we want to believe....the rest is all smoke and mirrors." - Arnaud de Fohn Posts I've Liked

A 72,000,000 year old 16 foot long tail of a dinosaur was found in the northern part of Mexico.

The dinosaur, a duckbilled or hadrosaur, is basically the prehistoric form of cattle. They roamed the forest & plains of North America, Europe and Asia in herds of up to a thousand. They communicated by funneling blasts of air through their large, ornate crests on their heads.

With their vast numbers, there are over 32 hadrosaur subspecies.

images courtesy of Reuters.


Lucjan Malinowski (1839-1898) [Lingüística, filología, padre de la dialectología polaca, padre de Bronisław Malinowski]

Lucjan Feliks Jan Malinowski Nacido en Jaroszewice, Lublín, Polonia, 27 de mayo de 1839 Fallecido en Cracovia, Galicia, Polonia, 15 de enero de 1898

  • Esbozos de la vida popular en Silesia
  • Cartas sobre una expedición etnográfica a Silesia
  • La conversión de los eslavos de Pomerania por San Otón
  • Fábulas de Silesia
  • Narraciones polacas de Silesia
  • Estudios de etimología popular
  • Obras filológicas
  • Sobre el dialecto opolense de la alta Silesia
  • Contribución a la historia de las relaciones científicas y culturales checo-polacas en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX
  • Proyecto de diccionario de polaco antiguo
  • Préstamos fonéticos de la lengua polaca
  • Sobre la etimología popular

Indios Piaroas (Foto Cruxent).

Foto de tres jóvenes piaroa, por J. M. Cruxent, ¿hacia los 1950-1960?

Guillermo Morón Historia de Venezuela I: La creación del territorio 


Sago flat cakes being baked, using bottom of traded casserole-type iron pot, in camp of provisional rectangular huts built to celebrate sago festival (1954). (Photograph Johannes Wilbert)

Johannes Wilbert Mindful of Famine: Religious Climatology of the Warao Indians

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