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Eggy Lookin Thing

@kyrinasha /

Yo they got games in this thing?

"adventurers are actually more scared of you than you are of them"

"he's literally just doing what an adventurer is supposed to do"

"do you think they think of us as Giant Adventurers?"

"do you know how many other creatures would be infesting our cave if there were no adventurers?"

"how would you like it if you were bumbling along on your little adventurer day, and some giant dragon thing squished you for the crime of being yourself?"

"y'know, so many dragons are grossed out by them, but i think they're fascinating! Did you know some adventurers form symbiotic relationships with small monsters? Some of them even do a simplified form of spellcraft! Like, with actual magic and everything!"


When you think about it bogsneaks are extremely fucked up. They’re the only dragon species not made by the deities and not only that they didn’t evolve either. One guy fell into the Goo and came out an entirely new species. And then the Goo started spitting out more. You can literally brew life. Imagine waking up to learn a new species of human was discovered in Chernobyl. And suddenly they’re everywhere. They’re made like snowmen from radioactive material and they just come to life. Your new friend Dave from accounting is an abomination that goes against nature but it’s ok he’s chill


I had a dream Wayne did a "Jesus but the AI is self aware" stream and Baaulp was a Roman emperor and kept chastising Jesus like "who the hell is this guy? Walk on water? Sure he wasn't wearing floaties?" And Jesus was on trial but his gmod model had the cross already on his back and he kept jumping around the stage where he was being tried.


from the above-linked

Anis are bizarre, coal-black cuckoos with long floppy tails and unique, curiously tall, flattened bills. Groove-billed occurs in a variety of open and semi-open habitats in tropical lowlands and foothills, typically staying low in shrubs and grasses. Gregarious and not particularly graceful; usually seen crashing around awkwardly in small groups.

oh my god


groove billed anis are a hilarious cuckoo situation where they ended up laying their eggs in one another’s nests instead of anyone else’s. they hang out together in groups of up to five pairs until a nest gets built (sometimes by committee, sometimes they just hang around hopefully until someone does it all on their own) then they start sneaking over and laying an egg in at a time. the females who lay for the first time will sometimes flip prior eggs out of the nest like ‘oh i KNOW this one isn’t mine! away it goes’ but eventually everyone’s laid a couple eggs in there and is stuck with the mutual hostage situation. then they take turns incubating until all the kids hatch and everyone pitches in on feeding them, because no one knows which of the kids are theirs so they all might as well.

they also like to do a team handshake where they clump up and mutually make a low bubbling noise together, to signal group affiliation. go team!


is there any temptation greater than being in the hardware store and seeing the place where they have all the little cards for the colours


as someone who works in the paint department of a hardware store i just wanna say that you are absolutely allowed (and ENCOURAGED!) to grab as many cards off the rack as you want so long as you don’t take more than one or two of each colour (they are free for customers but the store only gets so many at a time so please don’t just walk off with our ENTIRE supply of SW 7587 Antique Red cards)


That’s too specific. Have people been stealing the SW 7587 Antique Red cards in droves lately?

legally i am not allowed to comment

I’m too cheap to actually buy paint so I’ve been going to every hardware store in collecting all the SW 7587 antique red cards and gluing them to my walls

YOU!!!!!! YOU ARE MY ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Atlantic puffin chasing a butterfish through rockweed.

[Image ID: an Atlanic puffin, a black and white bird with a reddish bill, chasing a small brown and speckled fish. The fish is very long and thin. They're diving through a ball of loose weeds, and the puffin is very close to catching the fish. /end]


i love when a villain is like "ahhh what a ROTTEN day" but they mean that it's good and they're just saying it like that because they arbitrarily like when things are bad

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