if it makes sense with the words ‘doctor who and the’ in front of it: good doctor who title
if it doesn’t make sense with the words ‘doctor who and the’ in front of it: bad doctor who title
these are simply just facts 😌
Not that I've previously taken a lot of stock into it but a passing thought dawned on me...which was..."hmm, why do I seem to like David Tennant as the 14th more than the 10th? It doesn't have anything to do with the 3rd Doctor does it?"
Those two questions collided and brought me face to face with a startling and inconvenient truth. I... {can't believe I am about to say this} have a type. 😳
*squeals; hides underneath a big cozy blanket in shame; writes down the hashtags anyway*
We will not be discussing the fact that Twelve also exists very prominently in this same liminal space.
Now go 'boutchyer day! *makes playful shooing gesture*
The Doctor has respected personal pronouns since 1972.
The Curse of Peladon was released 52 years ago. Boomers and conservatives have no excuse about not understanding gender-neutral pronouns.
I know the dialogue is clunky, but considering when this came out and was written by Brian Hayles, this is progressive AF.
Third Doctor look so good when he’s angry
S9: The Sea Devils; ep 5
This is a Third Doctor sucking on a pencil appreciation post
I wasn't prepared for this thirst trap.
But...I suppose. ...now that we're here. 👉👈
This cheeky bastard has a shaky legacy amongst fans of the show (for plenty of sensible reasons) but I want to take a quick moment to say three things about the Third Doctor:
1) While the straight man who played this character put on the clothes he did from a point of flippancy, he was also trained this way. To think of comedy in this fashion. He represents something from a distant enough lens: flamboyancy meets overt masculinity.
2) His Doctor was clever, as they ALL are, but his Doctor didn't like the idea of sitting on an unknown and performing inaction. Even if he spent a LOT of time in jails. Which is a separate point to make later. 😅 He wanted to punch and elbow some bitches. Gotta LOCK that up! lol Sometimes you need to keep your enemies on their heels. "Will this man overwhelm me with a finger stab to the neck or an elbow to the torso? Nah. He's just a ..."primitive lover " (another subpoint for another day).
3) He's hot. Shut up.🫠
🤭 😳 ...for real though, *clearing throat; dampening forehead with towelette* the third point is he relates to the Brigadier in a way that feels oh so genuine. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart is a human man faced with the absurd and he meets THE DOCTOR (at the time in his space hobo phase). He was under threat at the time of their meeting as well. Obviously, instinct tells you: this is an enemy. Reason won that day and forever time was changed.
He had every reason to think 'danger' but slowly over time, the Doctor in his "third" incarnation wore him down. This Doctor gave him reason to believe in his generosity; to believe in his love for humanity despite every other eccentricity.
The Brigadier is in this unique position to do what any humanist or any deeply empathetic person would want to do given the chance; save the world for the sake of just that.
<end of main point; enter tertiary bonus fun super fan stuff>
I think this really comes to conclude why I think it's beautiful to best hell itself that Kate, the daughter of Lethbridge-Stewart, works alongside this same being.
The Doctor is like a god. Terrifying, repulsive, magnanimous...etc.
...but The Doctor was also James Bond for a time wearing the gayest clothes and sporting the occasional misogynist opinion of his feminine companion. He was best friends with Satan's booty call? Also a car man for a time.
Gods are not perfect. So says Who, anyway 🫣
That said Bessie is perfection.
So was Liz Shaw.
All hail the 3rd Doctor Companions. 🎉
I accept hate mail in the form of stocks and bonds. It's all equally worthless in the long-run.
Bonus Points: (I couldn't find the tattoo moment...he has this snake tattoo on his forearm in Spearhead from Space and it's just perfection incarnate; here is a grainy shower scene from like 50 years ago instead)
You're loved. I see you.
P.S. - Kisses. 😘
✨ Thank you for reading my silly sci-fi blog post. 🖖
breaking news: gays still dont sit right
It's me. I'm the accomplice.