Not only did they dump Tom Shippey when he pointed out major inaccuracies and contradictions of the core principles Tolkien founded his work on, they reached out to Peter Jackson to ask if he would help and when he requested to see some scripts before he agreed, they ghosted him and never sent him anything.
It’s cheap and generic and fundamentally contrary to everything that made Tolkien‘s work so beloved. They paid $1 billion for the rights and a built-in fanbase and they are actively working not to be faithful to the property they purchased or to the fans that would have supported them endlessly if it had been a good adaptation.
The Jackson trilogy isn’t a 100% faithful adaptation of everything in the books, but Jackson consciously made efforts not to inject his own opinions, world views, or agenda into the films. He worked really hard to try to do justice to Tolkien‘s vision and intent. That is clearly not even remotely what Amazon is trying to do and it deserves to fail because it’s an abomination.
Entire franchises have been retroactively damaged by careless, incompetent, or deliberately malicious writers. Entertainment driven by agenda isn't entertainment because it's not meant to entertain; it's meant to make people agree. Stop doing this! You can send a message and still do justice to your characters and the worlds they live in, but this takes subtlety and redrafting, care and time.
Please care about the stories you have stewardship over! Write your own story if what you want to put on screen isn’t faithful to what you are supposedly adapting. Stop taking stories and characters we love and trying to squish them into whatever mold you want them to fit into. Stop spitting on fans and creators; if you don’t intend to do a story justice‚ don’t touch it!
Tl;dr - it’s Morbin’ time!