kurtsies reblogged
kurtsies reblogged
Every Glee song ever ↳Tightrope
kurtsies reblogged
I’m practicing for my storyboarding class.
Source: quinnfabrays
kurtsies reblogged
kurtsies reblogged
Every Glee song ever ↳Viva Voce
kurtsies reblogged
“Look at us. We’re all so different yet there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for each other.”
kurtsies reblogged
Every Glee song ever ↳Problem
kurtsies reblogged
In a world where everything changes, some things always stay the same. They say there’s only three things you can count on in life: death, taxes, and Dalton Academy. When Kurt and I broke up, I was devastated. I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with him, and then suddenly he was gone. My therapist told me I should concentrate on the thing I love most: music. And then I couldn’t even do that…
kurtsies reblogged
Source: jessciachastain
kurtsies reblogged
Somewhere Hunter is crying bc they’re finally whistling
kurtsies reblogged