Great so.
Somebody told me that a Facebook page had posted my Free! dreamcast pictures with the wrong source. No biggie, this is something that can be solved quickly, so I went to the page and sent them a message, and now I'm waiting for them to reply.
Just to be quite sure, though, I did a google image search of all the graphics and found out other places/communities/etc. that reposted my graphic without: 1. my consent 2. any kind of source to go with.
Now, I'm not mad about people reposting things in other social networks without telling me. This is the internet, everybody can and will do that. Would it have been nice to know? Yes! But I don't care, really.
What I do care about is crediting back to the creator. If you're reposting something publicly, you must always put the source. It's not difficult, and it doesn't take a genius to do it. No excuses about "not knowing where that post is from" either. If I found you with a very superficial image search, you could have found me just as easily.
I am contacting and I will contact whomever is responsible for the reposting, asking them to put a link to the original source. If you notice other sites that I didn't find, please let me know?