Let me explain you a thing!!! People with insomnia are not super human, they get fucking tired just like everyone else. Yeah sure they may be able to pull alnighters with ease but that is not from choice we CAN'T FUCKING SLEEP SO OF COURSE WE CAN STAY UP. The only difference between us is afterwards you can go and sleep for like 20 hours to catch up while we are stuck with the same problem we had before WE STILL CAN'T FUCKING SLEEP SO WE WILL NEVER CATCH UP. EVER. So do not ever try to use an insomniac as a super human and get them to stay up for multiple days because they don't sleep anyways. WE NEED SLEEP WE JUST CAN'T DO THE THING IT IS NOT A MAGICAL SUPERPOWER THAT MEANS WE DON'T NEED AS MUCH SLEEP AS YOU. WE NEED MORE SLEEP THAN YOU!!!!