A friend of mine picked this up at the local auction for me! He knew I had been looking for a light enough wood stove that me and my son could move out of the living room to save space in the summer. He paid a walking $7! It's going to be a little bit of work to get her cleaned up, but I absolutely cannot wait to install it this fall!
Busy day on the Homestead! Rain is coming the next 2 days and possibly some snow so we tried to get as much done as possible.
The wood is all cut! It took a month but it's done. Now time to concentrate on splitting.
Harvested the carrots and the last couple green tomatoes from the big garden. Not a whole lot left in there.
Topped and stored the carrots. Also going to root and plant the greens. The chickens love a little something green over winter!
So close to being done with the wood cutting!
Lots of splitting to be done yet.
We sure have come a long way!!!!