@knights-unwelcommentary on Tumblr

shit damn I have no clue

@knights-unwelcommentary /

Goofy yet emotional ideas galore || Speculating on xenological shit during my spare time || Please everyone refrain from eating ramen cooked in orange soda wtf one time was enough

“Why do you beat yourself up so much over little mistakes?”

ahahaha i love trauma that i dont even remember fucking my brain up

yeah we fucking love trauma that fucked us up to where we are now that not even Carmilla can remember



immortality as theft (you have to steal life from something else) immortality as parasitism (there is something else inside You that is keeping you alive and you become less of yourself more and more the longer it stays in you) immortality as violence (everything is trying to kill you because everything is supposed to die and the universe will always try to find a way to right the wrong that is You) you understand


Would there be adult shadow droppers in Alternia? How long ago might that particular doomsday event have been ?


the more naruto i watch the more i think it's kind of hilarious they made fiamet a sasunaru fujoshi specifically

to a troll that's just a kismesissitude 😭 in the show they confess their hate and make it exclusive and everything man

to a troll that's not fujoshism that's just a regular canon pairing in a regular cartoon... if you want her to be a fujoshi she needs something way weirder

literally zero dialogue changes needed because they already say it onscreen. if humans knew what pitch romance was theyd know it was canon too


[Image Description: A Tweet that reads: Hey, you. You're valid for writing fanfiction. Someone has stayed up late reading your words on their phone with auto-rotate off. Someone has dropped everything when they got that update email. Your work has made someone happy and you do it *in your spare time*. You're awesome. End ID.]

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