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Adult; the universe is, and we are.

lesbian teacher x student sex... save me... save me lesbian teacher x student sex

if i was a self-centred overachiever and you were and you were an exhausted professor and i was the only student at your office hours would you even violate your code of ethics with me?

you gotta admit the hatesex would be at least a litte fun... and who would ever know?

...gosh i am so desperate for praise and connection...

*rolls my eyes at you* no mrs kloon, you cannot fuck me for better grades. And just for suggesting it, you'll have detention with me after school hours. Unfortunately for you, I have to tend to the rest of my class after my last lecture. I'll see you in my office at 8PM sharp young lady. Bring a ruler.

p-please?? please? please???


lesbian teacher x student sex... save me... save me lesbian teacher x student sex

if i was a self-centred overachiever and you were and you were an exhausted professor and i was the only student at your office hours would you even violate your code of ethics with me?

you gotta admit the hatesex would be at least a litte fun... and who would ever know?

...gosh i am so desperate for praise and connection...


lesbian teacher x student sex... save me... save me lesbian teacher x student sex

if i was a self-centred overachiever and you were and you were an exhausted professor and i was the only student at your office hours would you even violate your code of ethics with me?

you gotta admit the hatesex would be at least a litte fun... and who would ever know?



(ʘ‿ʘ✿) “what you say ‘bout me”

(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ “hold my flower”

✿\(。-_-。) “Kick his ass, baby.  I got yo flower.”

i found it

the original post

i found it

this should have the opportunity to be on everyone’s blog. 

*tour guide voice*

and here on the left ladies and gentlemen, you see one of the posts before everyone went batshit crazy


lesbian teacher x student sex... save me... save me lesbian teacher x student sex

if i was a self-centred overachiever and you were and you were an exhausted professor and i was the only student at your office hours would you even violate your code of ethics with me?


lesbian teacher x student sex... save me... save me lesbian teacher x student sex


I have this idea for a moment I want to create within a scene but it requires a specific dynamic

I want to find a scary sadistic domme, the type who goes by "Goddess" or something similar. I want to earn her submission, and once she's in my hands, break her

I want to spend hours taking her from almighty to not much more than a puddle. I want to study her body, learn every reaction, every soft and sensitive button. I want to help her see how a goddess can be nothing more than a tool, a vessel to be filled.

And once she's a drooling mess, her eyes unfocused, her body limp. I want to lift her head up by her hair, and force her to make eye contact with her submissive.

I want to see the shared humiliation. The submissive looking at their goddess, their entire world, the one who makes them feel so small, and seeing a toy for my use. The dominant looking at her submissive and knowing this is wrong but too blissed out to regret letting me do this to her.

In the aftermath I imagine the submissive reminding their goddess of this moment just to get a reaction, threatening their goddess with calling me in for another session. I imagine the goddess secretly wishing they would.


Once again mourning the fact that I will forever be holding back my sadism as to not end up killing those I love =,(


they should invent a snuff that doesn't kill anyone actually :(


saw someone say "an 11-year-old isn't even supposed to know what sex is and if you do something horrible must be happening to you and you need to get out of there" like can we be for real for a moment. have some people honest to god never heard 11-year-olds making sex jokes in their life

and let's be honest. if something bad was happening, good sex ed would help them recognize that. trying to shelter children from even knowing what sex is doesn't help or even work, it actually enables abuse. teach them about consent

Hot take: let's not discuss sexual stuff around CHILDREN.

Let's not sexualize children or even think of children & sexual stuff

Don't discuss sexual stuff with CHILDREN.

They cannot consent.

Children cannot consent and I dont know how many times we have to tell you this.


people like you are the reason so many kids can't speak up about being sexually abused. go back to the catholic church or whatever. we need proper sex education and this is dire

oh they're literally catholic. that explains a lot.

sex education ≠ sexualization

sex education ≠ sexual abuse

sex education ≠ child endangerment


sex education = increased safety through knowledge

sex education = decrease in teen pregnancy

sex education = decrease in spread of sexually transmitted diseases

sex education = productive and necessary

Hello! Literally practicing Catholic here! Raised by Catholic parents since birth! I went through things exactly like this as a child entirely because my parents neglected my sex education due to viewing it as 'scarring' and 'inappropriate'! Please fucking educate your kids about sex and what constitutes sexual abuse! Teach them they have a right to refuse! :)

And let's also say the uncomfortable part out loud here: it's not only about protecting kids against older teens and against adults.

The average age for puberty to start is 11-12, but it is normal for puberty to begin between the ages of 8 and 14. Puberty is only considered 'too early' by doctors and delayed with puberty blockers if a girl is 7 or a boy is 8. And while not everyone experiences sexual arousal in the first years of puberty, quite a lot of kids do.

So, as deeply uncomfortable as it makes adults: some 11 year olds have already been getting horny for 3 or 4 years. And while their first explorations of that feeling often happen alone, some of that hornyness will drive those kids to seek out others to experiment.

So without information, that 11 year old may end up having sex with another kid and may get pregnant. That 11 year old may sexually assault a younger kid, not out of malice but out of simply not knowing that you should not do this to others. The idea that these things will not happen if we don't tell kids about sex is patently false.

I know we don't like to think about literal kids getting horny, but if we ignore the fact that this happens, those will kids suffer because of our cowardly unwillingness to face the facts and to give them the information to stay safe and to be safe to others.

HOOOOOO boyyyyyy.

Okay. I'm trained in this.

You need to be providing age-appropriate sexual education to children from as young as you possibly can.

When kids are really young this looks like "Yes, that's mummy's vagina. Please leave the bathroom because it is rude to be in the bathroom while mummy is using the toilet. Mummy is placing her boundary, sweetheart, and you need to respect that."

"Yes, daddy does have something different to mummy. What daddy has is called a penis. Yes (mummy/daddy's penis/vagina) is the same as you."

You will notice here that I use the anatomical terms for these body parts. That is for a reason. It helps your child if something does happen better be able to disclose, exactly, what has happened to them. You do not want your child trying to disclose using words such as "secret pocket" or "hidden flower" or "willie" as this can obfuscate meaning. Imagine, if you will, Maisie trying to disclose that Coach Asshole touched her sexually by saying "Coach Asshole stuck his stick into my secret pocket," to a teacher or family friend who does not know that those words are euphemisms. Maisie has tried to disclose, but has been unsuccessful because she does not have the language that she needs.

Now, next.

Children, especially girls, can start going through puberty young. Like, really young. I have taught 9 year olds who menstruate. We need to be teaching these children about their bodies. We need to be teaching boys about the bodies of people who menstruate. There is so much misinfomation amongst grown cismen about menstruation because they are not taught it in school.

We also need to teach children about consent and bodily autonomy from as young as possible. This sets them up that even if they do, unfortunately, suffer abuse of this form they are vocal in their protestations and are more likely to disclose than children who have been taught to accept that adults can do whatever they want to a child's body. Granny kissing little Maisie on the cheek doesn't look that different to Coach Asshole calling his girls at gymnastics "Special girls" and kissing/touching them inappropriately, especially to a child (who, usually, have a much less refined emotional radar and both will cause them to shut down and just accept what is happening. You want your kid to be able to say "No, what you are doing/did to my body is wrong.")


How should adults behave around children?

Firstly - my golden rule of interacting with children is If you have nothing to hide, don't hide anything.

This means when you are interacting with children you always do so in an area where you will easily be visible if another adult happens to walk by. No closed doors, try to minimise rooms without windows, have another adult present.

The reason you are doing this is to make it flag as strange and unusual to a child if an adult tries to get them alone. Safe adults do not do that. By making sure you are transparent in your behaviour, the child is more likely to flag something being wrong when someone is not transparent. You are equipping the child with skills to protect themselves.

They will also be more likely to disclose to another adult that an adult was trying to get them alone.

Secondly - No secrets.

(There is a little bit of an exception to this rule but to begin with, no secrets.)

This leads back to transparency. A safe adult will not ask a child to keep a secret from another adult. If Uncle Jeff is telling Nancy to keep "our little secret" when he gives her extra dessert, then Nancy is prone to believe that keeping a secret from another adult is something she's supposed to do when Uncle Scumbucket asks her to keep his inappropriate fondling of her as "our little secret." Children who see secrets as unusual are more likely to disclose that an adult told them to keep something a secret.

This is also important as grooming usually starts as "we need to keep you getting this special treat as our little secret." Uncle Jeff giving Nancy more icecream out of the goodness of his heart looks a lot like Uncle Scumbucket giving Nancy candy and lollies and extra screentime in an effort to get her to like him and Uncle Scumbucket's secrets are going to move on to "Sit on my lap today, honey, but don't tell your mother. Remember, this is our little secret." And eventually to Uncle Scumbucket asking Nancy to keep sexual activities as "our little secret."

You do not want children thinking that safe adults keep secrets.

Thirdly - this ties in a little with secondly but Teach your child the difference between a safe secret and an unsafe secret.

If you are unsure of the difference yourself -

A safe secret:

  • Does not hurt anybody by the keeping of it, including yourself.
  • Is usually accompanied by a feeling of excitement
  • Has an end date where everyone will become aware of the contents of the secret.

A safe secret is a surprise birthday party, a camping trip, a surprise trip to disneyworld, pizza!

An unsafe secret:

  • Can hurt someone and can hurt to keep
  • Is accompanied by a feeling of nervousness or dread or shame
  • does not have an end date. The secret is ongoing.

You can see how Uncle Scumbucket's secret is unsafe, but also how Uncle Jeff's secret is unsafe because Uncle Jeff's secret does not have an end date. Uncle Jeff's secret is unsafe because it is priming Macy to see Uncle Scumbucket's secret as reasonable, which leads back to the grooming discussed above.

Lastly, and this is very important -

'Protecting' children from having access to sexual education actually does them an injustice.

We do not live in a perfect world.

Bad things can and do happen to children, with depressing frequency. Get me drunk sometime and I'll tell you what I'm legally allowed to disclose of the stories where terrible shit has happened to children I have cared for.

Pretending that they don't happen means that if they do happen, children are unable to recognise and respond appropriately. You are making your child less equipped to protect themselves, not more.

Children who are taught age-appropriate sexual education from a young age are so much less likely to be in a situation of sexual violence than those who are not taught age-appropriate sexual education. Children who are taught age-appropriate sexual education are more likely to disclose if something does happen to them, than children who are not.

Protect your kids.

And for God's sake teach them the words 'penis' and 'vagina/vulva'


this one liberal dude on twitter made the (correct) take that parents have overwhelming power over their kids and very often abuse it and restrict children's rights and he was ratio'd by conservatives, communists and liberals alike who made comments like "my kids will have rights when they pay the bills" to "aw are you upset mom and dad didn't you get you a lega set for christmas". way to prove his point lol! any criticism of the power dynamics adults and particularly parents have over kids and how it is often used to abuse kids or refuse to let them exist as themselves is drowned in mockery and the idea that parents have absolute authority over children and that any less than that is actually spoiling them.

i said it before: people only care about Children as an ideal. as property. as something that is Innocent and deserving protection From Evil Traffickers but also something Dumb that barely deserves the status of human with autonomy. and its fucking wild how even the staunchest communists think of this as normal, and how people refuse to understand that this dynamic is how kids are emotionally, physically and sexually abused, as well as robbed of their voices and too scared/ashamed to talk about it.

it's worth saying this dude is the parent of a now adult trans girl, and his reflections absolutely come from parenting as well as how he was expected to behave as the father of a trans daughter, how much power he had over her treatment and the refusal of doctors and teachers to listen to her and going over her head to him so they could misgender her and make him consent to conversion therapy.

he did not do these things, but the expectation and judgement that he as a parent was supposed to take away her rights and the sheer power he had over her as a minor made him reflect a lot. and now people are mocking him for sharing this reflection, even as black kids are killed or sent into the school to prison pipeline, as disabled kids are refused humanity, as parents kill their kids to spite their divorced spouses, as trans kids get their healthcare revoked, as migrant kids remain locked in cages. even as these same people panic over child trafficking and pedophile sex rings and refuse to admit how much csa and abuse is from family members.


The fact that this view is so rare despite also being, in my view, extremely obvious is I think a reflection of how strongly incentives mediate our beliefs. My experience growing up was that by six years old every single person I knew had developed a thorough class consciousness for the "child" class and as I've gotten older, everyone I know who's become a parent has forgotten it. Because ya know, it's not in their interests any more. The authoritarian structure of the parent/child relationship should also be the prototype for how sociological systems replicate, because parenting styles are so directly passed down generationally.

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