A late birthday gift for Dalia *u*
I made a skank!Kurt thing for Dani. Yep.
Prince Blaine for Becca! I wanted to try my arm at realism and thought it might make a cute gift for a wonderful person <3
The eyes are the windows of the soul…
The old proverb, “The eyes are the windows of the soul,” contains a powerful truth. Our eyes reveal whether our souls are spacious or cramped, hospitable or critical, compassionate or judgmental. The way we see other people is usually the way we see ourselves. If we have made peace with our flawed humanity and embraced our ragamuffin identity, we are able to tolerate in others what was previously unacceptable in ourselves.
Post-A-Drawing-Friday. Prismacolor pencils, all colours used shown. 14”x10”. A request, and self-explanatory subject matter.
SPN episode gifset: Goodbye Stranger (8x17)
-> requested by bennyackles
(n.b. this is a big set - 147 frames per gif - and Tumblr tends to screw up the timing of the animation on large sets from time to time. The animation IS properly synched so if it’s out of sequence, trust me, it will settle and play correctly eventually.)
Aaaaaand I’m spent. So glad I got this done before the premiere!
Channeling Mr. Mercury.
Post-A-Drawing-Friday-(not on a Friday). Because.
heyblaine warbler prompted kurt & blaine making out in blaine’s vogue office from his twenty year old lover ‘verse (with 39 year old blaine and 19 year old kurt), and seeing as that ‘verse is just about my favourite thing ever i happily obliged *____* you can read all the stories in the series at the link earlier!