bringing this back
My fantasy is that this gets enough heat that His Holiness is forced to address it
bringing this back
My fantasy is that this gets enough heat that His Holiness is forced to address it
I'd love to see some fucking receipts proving conservatives give more money to charity. And if your religion REQUIRES you to tithe to charities, those don't count.
Bill Clinton cheats on his wife. Impeach him. Trump proudly brags about sexual assault (and has cheated on his wives). Elect him.
Hillary oversaw the department of state while 4 people died in an embassy attack. Put her in jail. 2 Republicans were in office while over 200 people died in embassy attacks. No problem.
Immigrants don’t pay taxes. Round them up and kick them out. Trump doesn’t pay taxes. He’s a business genius.
Hillary’s foundation only spent 87% of their donations helping people. She’s a crook. Trumps foundation paid off his debts, bought sculptures of him, and made political donations to avoid investigations while using less than 5% of funds for charity (and he got shut down by NY State). So savvy… Put him in the white house.
Trump made 4 billion dollars in 40 years, when an index fund started at the same time with the same “small loans” he received would be worth $12 billion today… without a trail of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits and burned small business owners. He’s a real business whiz. Hillary took a loss of $700k. She’s a criminal.
Trump is the first candidate in the modern era not to release his tax returns, and took a billion dollar loss in 1 year. Genius.
Hillary takes responsibility for private email servers and apologizes. Not credible. Trump denies saying things (on the record) he actually said (on the record), he’s just telling it like it is.
Your arguments are thin. Your ignorance of reality is shocking. Your double-standards are offensive, and your willingness to blindly support him and recycle the rhetoric is absurd. Your opinion is not fact. Your memes are not news articles. And your hypocrisy is not a platform.
- Alex Schiller
Igor Volsky, Deputy Director of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, spent much of yesterday calling out our lawmakers who claim to have thoughts and prayers for the Orlando victims but accepted money from the NRA. Ted Cruz’s tweet may have been the most hypocritical of all.
A late night interpretation of Jesus’ thoughts about rich people by Sensitive Mark.
While we’re at it, don’t forget that one time that Jesus saw predatory lending practices going down in the temple and he actually got violent. Yes. Jesus got violent. Over predatory lending practices.
Throwing tables and threatening people with a whip. Jesus was super pissed.
And that part is consistent across all four of the Gospels. Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John vary in a lot of places, but they’re consistent on the money changers story. Also, the paintings that this inspired are pretty rad.
99% of the time, Jesus was all “love thy neighbor” and “turn the other cheek” and “if someone asks you to walk a mile with them, walk two,” but where usury was concerned, he’d straight up kick your ass.
Jesus: “Be chill. We should all be chill. But also don’t lend money to people and charge them ridiculously high interest rates. Don’t do that. Especially not when people borrow money for the purpose of doing the right thing and making themselves better people. I really fucking hate that. Seriously, just don’t.”
*smashcut to 2016*
Me, living in a society that is intrinsically founded upon Christian doctrine and beliefs: “Student loan debt and credit card interest rates, am I right?”
Good guys want to feel privileged.
Most presidents enter a “lame duck” phase in their last year. Obama has instead entered a “I don’t give a fuck” phase, and I like it.
Ahh yeah, political cartoons!
Tempted to post this on Facebook and anger some middle aged white people
when America sees ISIS causing death & destruction in the middle east
oh my god
this is it we have finally gotten to the point that we can insult the US government over the internet through the use of memes what a time to be a live and addicted to this shitty website
Sometimes it hurts when people scorn internet cultre (via herrsassyfras)
This is amazing
(via desuke-dragonqueen)
parent: never have sex child: i’m asexual parent: what do you mean you have to have sex