So I had other stuff queued up and then realized.. it’s Halloween. Time for some TERRORCONS!
These little guys are pretty great in creature mode - what’s not to love about a team of a bipedal shark, vulture thing, two-headed tiger maybe, and weird… slime… monster… thing? Anyway, L-R at the top that’s Rippersnapper, Blot, Sinnertwin, and Cutthroat, with team leader Hun-Gurrr (who we profiled before) lurking in the background. The robots modes are less impressive, as they pretty much all just swing the monster appendages around back and hope nobody notices, plus they have teensy heads which double as pegs to form…
Abominus! Hooray, the first complete Combiner I’ve put together. Lotsa monster kibble hanging out but he’s pretty cute, and thanks to Hun-Gurrs well-articulated legs you can get him into some pretty xtreme action poses, though he probably won’t stand up that way.
Happy Halloween! Have some sort of spooky robots from my other blog.