Went wall climbing with the company and had some team building exercises. Thanks for the awesome experience and also @jeslynngo for the picture. We all looked good lol. #mapic #maface #gluestudios #camp5 #myfaceiscenteranfkindalookedinframe #myfacelookgreat #lolvainaf #myhandistired (at Camp5 Indoor Climbing Gym)
My raya look for 2016. Normally I dont usually wear cosmetics but hey, its a special day ^w^ Props to my sister for the hijab do and my make up look. This is her work. I'm just there looking pretty xD #maface #mapic #kimmyplz #nextrayacanIpickadarkbluewithyellowthemeplz #eidmubarak
Me, myself and derps. #maface #mapic (at Tambun Ipoh)
Bored selfie~ ♡w♡
Tea plantation station. Cold af. Nice tea though. Found some puppies down there lol. #kimmyplz #maface #mapic
Hat? Hat? Hattie hat hat! Topi? Topi? Tooopiii. Topitopi. Pink hat to go with my red and white outfit. #maface #mapic #kimmyplz (at TM Resort, Cameron Highlands)
Holiday at the mountain tops. Its freakin cold >~
Selfieeeeeeeeeee \\>w<// Havent caught a decent picture this year, so have a throwback to my cousin's wedding last year. ♥♥~~ I'm blue dabedee dabedaa~~♥♥ #mapic #maface #kimmyplz
Local girl arrested for having one point lighting in her pictures. Studies confirmed that one point lighting can cause big nose syndrome. The girl plead innocent to the accusation and demanded a trial via combat. The pictures above shows her reaction to the combat. Its a huge sensation to the cat community all over the world.
I found an art regiment that says “draw daily self portraits”. This one takes too long OTZ. If I turned the colour to b/w, I’d say I did a nice job. Nicer contrasts there :’D
In the train to go back to the city. The train is freaking cold Dx
I look very round today.
reblog this and I'll draw you
put your face tag in the tags
So, after the graduation ceremony yesterday, my mom decided to get our own graduation photo in the living room with my DSLR camera.
After the photoshoot, no one’s using the camera, so we decided to play a little. Some freestyle photos. My mom wanted to join in with me.
My mom being cute as usual
Then there’s me.
Thus, this concludes my convocation pictures. The thing is, I walked too fast for any pictures to be taken on stage. There's so many blurred pictures :I I think my stage fright caught me off guard OTZ