#ariel gets political – @kimburgss on Tumblr

you will always be our king

@kimburgss /

multi fandom mess.

The next few days will be

wild. If you haven't voted already, Please V O T E.

Preferably for Joe Biden. Not the screaming racist cantaloupe in the White House.


church, work, school, bar, synagogue, concert, movie theater...

I hate this is normal news to wake up too. I hate that the feelings of the gun lobby are favored more than the innocent lives lost in these tragedies. When is something actually going to be done about the gun problem we have in this country?

Anonymous asked:

I'm only saying this for your sake, but objectively, it's not a smart idea to bring politics into normal hobbies. You might lose supporters of your blog just because of your political stance, and that would be terrible since you're so amazing!! It's only a suggestion, but I really reccomend not bringing politics into anything.


When is enough going to be enough? Parents shouldn’t have worry about sending their children to school. Children shouldn’t have to worry about not coming home from school. People shouldn’t be afraid going to a concert, to the movies or anywhere. Thoughts and prayers do shit. We need change.

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