orchid vase by toni de jesus, 2023, porcelain, 13.2 centimeters
collectionneur d’âme by galina munroe, 2023, oil + enamel paint & collage on canvas in artist frame, 54.7 × 47.5 centimeters
daisy vase ii by toni de jesus, 2023, porcelain, 27.4 × 23.6 × 22.1 centimeters
rose with tie dye moths by rachel hayden, 2022, ink on watercolor paper, 20 × 16 inches
birdbath by mia chaplin, 2022, oil on plaster of paris bandages, papier-mâché & wire, 91.5 × 45 × 40 centimeters
olive branch by rebecca ness, 2021, oil on linen, 80 x 90 inches
dining with hecate by kate pincus-whitney, january 19th - 2020, acrylic & polycolor on wooden door with carving date, 30 x 78 inches
still life by jordan kerwick, 2016, oil on canvas, 24 × 20 inches
ixion by benjamin murphy, 2022, charcoal on raw canvas, 117 × 107 centimeters
ancestor dance by zayn qahtani, 2021, charcoal + carbon on recycled cotton paper, 60 × 42 centimeters
senses serener dusklike by john mcallister, 2016, offset print, 17 × 14 inches
a sweet vase and it's shadow by betty woodman, 1995, ceramics, 24 × 30 × 8 inches
unelagia by benjamin murphy, 2022, charcoal on raw canvas, 138 × 102 centimeters
broken vase by minyoung kim, 2023, acrylic on un-stretched canvas, 92 × 95 centimeters
dallas cowboys by jake clark, 2022, glazed earthenware, 13.2 × 11 × 11 inches